
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Vegan Food Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello all,
I have been preparing vegetarian and vegan foods since 1978 and have recently decided to take it to the processing level.
I prepare raw vegan, and some cooked and baked goods.
I also do vegan catering.

Please help me with a new tag line for the business. Some suggestions from friends so far : - -Veganise for Life, Eat live n stay alive, Raw Power.

many thanks
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    What's the name of your business?
    Where are you located?
    Are you trying to sell only to people who understand the benefits of vegan food or are you trying to educate them?
    How will your foods be better/different from your competition?
  • Posted on Author
    Kalabashe Gourmet Foods, Inc.
    New York

    I am trying sell to anyone who wants to eat healthy. I also would like to educate people on the benefits of vegan food.

    We have a unique method for preparing most of our products. Our nutmeats are an example. They are used in wraps, to make sandwiches, and side dishes.
    Our Bruschetta from sundried tomatoes are created with a Caribbean flavor of rich spices and herbs. Desserts are rich tropical creamy and naturally sweet.
    I have more than thirty years of experience eating and preparing vegetarian and vegan food.

    thanks for your quick response
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    NY's Vegan Food Specialist
    Love Life. Eat Vegan.
    Naturally Delicious Vegan Cuisine
  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    Eat, live and let live

    Green, Greener, Vegan

    Fed by Nature

    Feed with Nature

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your quick response. I like all three taglines but I have decided to go with "Naturally Delicious Vegan Cuisine".

    Love live. Eat Vegan was also very good. I will always remember your help. Thank you
  • Posted on Member
    Hi every1,

    I have got an assignment, from college, of setting up a any small scale business in Mumbai. So decided to take up dabbawalas as a business. Frds i need ur help, want a good tagline to start off with the business...

    Thanks You...

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