
Topic: Strategy

Is It Ok To Giv Competitor Information On Website?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Are there any legal complications of giving information about comparison between our and competitor's products feature and pricing, on our website.
That information will mostly be from what is available on the competitor's website.
Please Advice.
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    I'm not a legal person, so this might not be as legal as you would like it to be.

    If the information is publicly available, I don't see any problems in posting it or using it in comparison to your own products. Neither on your website nor in your marketing material. Having said that, do you want to send your customers checking out your competitors websites ??
    So I don't think you should show the name of your competitors...
    Secondly, be certain that none of the information you share could backfire. Worst case wrong information or something undocumented or not with full disclosure of all available information - like having half a sentence taken out of context.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted bypegon Accepted
    Also NOT a legal person, but even assuming you make your comparison meticulously perfect under the law, are you prepared for the competitive consequences?

    Your competitors will not hold still for this. They'll post a comparison attack on their site that makes your company look terrible. They'll mount a promotion aimed directly at stealing your customers. You'll be so busy trying to get your own customers to stay, you'll wonder why you ever took this tack. It's a strategy that rarely pays off.

    Revisit your intent; then develop a better strategy. What is your objective?
    -- To get more of your competitor's customers, advertise a better deal or bundle a better package.
    -- To demonstrate that your product/service is best in its class, put up a demo that makes the point strongly and reinforces your satisfaction guarantee.
    -- To show your company has the smartest customer service people in your industry, post a really intelligent customer service blog.

    或, if you're out to get emotional revenge on a competitor who has ticked you off ... then find a fishing pole, take a few days off, and reset your perspective.

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