
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name / Tagline Needed For Restaurant Delivery Srvc

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi all and thank you for your time.

I'm opening a restaurant delivery service and would appreciate some help in naming my company, need a tagline too. I will be delivering lunch and dinner from local & chain restaurants to offices, homes, college dorms and hotels. I'm located in the suburbs, not a metropolis. A few names on the list are RoadRunner Restaurant Delivery; Go-Getters Restaurant Delivery. I'm thinking the name needs to resonate quickness and refer to food / cusine. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm an accountant by trade so I sometimes have trouble kick starting my creative side.Thanks!!!
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    Cuisine On Call
    - Quick Tasty Deliveries

    Food Feet
    (this one could generate fun, silly comments, but might bring smiles and be used to generate communication - could backfire)

    Food Delivery
    Your favorite restaurant where-ever you are

    Restaurant on the fly
    Your favorite restaurant where-ever you are

    Just some initial thoughts
    B2B Marketing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Take Out To You
    Eat Out/In
    You Food's Here!
  • Posted byfauzan_aon Member
    if u need, fresh-tasty-n-best, try it.

    Take away..
    you arrange the place, we guarantee the best of food.

    Food @ Door
    save time and money, call us...

    Lunch & Dinner Restaurant or ( L & D Restaurant)
    We serve for your convenience.

    Food Garden
    choose ur food, we serve you at ur place.

    Quick n Tasty!
    Centre for Delicious and Fast home delivery food.

    There are many more names coming in my mind, if you don't like any name from above, just let me know, we will work on different way in finding the name.


  • Posted on Author
    To all: Thank you very much for your suggestions. I appreciate you taking time to help me on this. I do like a few of the company names / tags but I still am struggling myself to find that wow combination of food and delivery service. If you have any additional thoughts I'm all ears. I'll keep the question open for a few more days.

    Some names that already exist in the industry and that I admire are: Cuisine on the scene; Food Friendz; Waiters on wheels; Take out taxi; Grub Cab.

    Thanks again.

  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    Warp Wraps
    Meals delivered swiftly

    (for the SiFi fans)

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted byshmily97on Accepted
    You Buy, We Fly... Restaurant Takeout Delivery Service
    Your Meals, My Wheels...Cuisine Delivery Service
    Carryout Chariot...Meal Delivery Service
    Grub Go-fors ..We do the running so you don't have to!

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