
Topic: Social Media

Free Social Media Platforms

Posted bymarina.takejameon 250 Points
I would like to know what are the options for free social media platforms and which ones of those you recommend using.
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  • Posted bymarina.takejameon Author
    Thank you Kathleen!
    Now I see I was not clear enough. I meant a platform to create social websites.
  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    Been using both ning and Groupsite - like both of them.

    Did you do a Google on this one ? as newer white label social platforms might exist.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted bymarina.takejameon Author
    Thank you Mikael.
    We will check these ones.

    We want to develop an industrial forum mainly for industrial professionals.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Wordpress. Blogger. Membergate. Weebly. Google. Facebook. Homestead. SiteBuildIt. SiteKreator.
  • Posted bymarina.takejameon Author
    thank you all for the good suggestions!
  • Posted on Member
    You can try - They have been doing some pretty innovative things for connecting people within companies.

    Also has a freemium plan for a software as a service. I would give that a try to implement some viral campaigns. If this is what your company would need.

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