
Topic: Strategy

Finding The Right Person In A Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm a new business that offers amenities to corporations by delivering their employees pre-ordered pet products (food, treats, toys etc) right to the office.

How can I go about locating the correct person within the corporation to find out if they would be interested in this benefit to their employees?

I provide them with promo materials for employees and/or electronic flyer for newsletter distribution.
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    Guess this depends on the size and structure of the company.

    For larger companies, I'd go to HR and/or person in charge of internal newsletter (marketing or communication)

    For smaller companies, I'd go the owner or his assistant

    To give more substance to your offering, could I suggest to start a blog, where you tell about your passion for man's best friend in a busy life, and animals in general - just to get more people interested and hooked.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your reply. Guess I should have stated I know the type of person I need to reach at a company - just don't know how to find them. Walk in and ask for them? Find online? how? Cold Call?

    Wish I had time for a blog..... trying to do everything myself...
  • Posted bygetlimedon Accepted
    Maybe you should work on netting some higher-profile, larger company clients first, since HR people are easier to find. That will give you time to do some networking, like on LinkedIn, and research the local small business scene. Doing everything yourself is difficult. Can you get an intern of some sort as well?
  • Posted on Author
    @getlimed - thanks for your reply! I agree about the HR people but how do I find them?

    Like the intern suggestion can you elaborate?

  • Posted on Accepted
    How does your service benefit a firm's employees? If the answer to this question is as compelling as dental or vision insurance coverage, then you have a chance at getting a firm's HR department/person to make your service available to the employees. Once you have this value proposition refined, then a phone call or a letter should work. I'm a little unclear why you doing the actual delivery is the best solution. I would think a website with a drop-order delivery service would be more scalable and allow you to offer bigger volumes at better prices.
