
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tag Line/ Slogan

Posted bya_daily_dealon 125 Points
I need help with a tag line or a slogan for an online discount/coupon email company.

This company sends out emails to subscribers with discounts and coupons from the local community i.e. restaurants, spa's, gyms etc. to the local public.

Please let me know if you need anymore details, thanks in advance.
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    Deals, right around the corner

    - Not only indicates close by but also some kind of urgency, yet easy to get hold of

    Next Door Deals

    - Same concept, but more personal

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    What's the name of your company?
    What area/region(s) do they serve?
    How are online coupons better than US mail coupon packs (or Groupon)?
  • Posted bya_daily_dealon Author
    A daily deal and we service the midwest.

    A coupon is a coupon I didnt say it was better then Groupon, just gives you more options to save money.
  • Posted bya_daily_dealon Author
    I am new to this, should I offer more points so I can get more replies?

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