
Topic: Taglines/Names

We Need A Name For Fundraising Group!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hey everyone! We are a group of students trying to raise money for an academic research trip studying sharks. We will be hosting many events from now until February and are in need of a name for our group that is both relevant and catchy! We want people to be passionate about our project, so it needs to stick in their minds! Does anyone have any suggestions?

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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    Swim with the Sharks

    - This way you can talk about the swimmers = YOU
    - talk about the sharks
    - talk about the experience of getting, project in shaky waters
    - and give your donors something to brag about

    besides your donors are smart to help you become smarter.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    "Study" is pretty nebulous. Exactly what are you studying about sharks?


  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Shark Attract!
    FINtastic Fundraiser

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