
Topic: Branding

Cultural Distance And Brands

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am writing an essay on cultural distance and its impact on global marketing management. As part of mine work, I need a range of examples how cultural distance affects global marketing operations, for example a product having to be altered to meet consumer demand in different countries, or how particular global brands adapt regional strategies in order to meet consumer demand. All in all, I need some examples showing how culture affects implementing marketing strategies. It would be quiet useful, if I have the opportunity to give examples for failed marketing campaigns due to ignorance of culture, ads that were banned in particular countries, and brands that operate on local level.
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    heard about Google ?
    do an advanced search, particularly aimed at University blogs, where most final thesis are listed, to find plenty of similar "essays" to populate your examples

    HBR would be another source.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Accepted
    You could perhaps look at the way McDonalds and Pizza Hut have done in India to modify their products to suit Indian needs arising largely from cultural difference including vegetarianism in large parts of the country -e.g. The State of Gujarat.

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