
Topic: Taglines/Names

Real Estate 'referable' Marketing Slogan

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
米y husband and I own a small real estate company (Nicholas Scott Real Estate), and we are trying to develop a marketing campaign with a slogan about being 'referable'. We've been in real estate for 9 years, and now want to focus on a marketing strategy for gaining referals from satisfied clients. We love the slogan 'Simply Referable', but it is already being used. Can anyone help with ideas?
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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    "referable" is almost a given to survive as long as you have. People expect you to be referable.

    I would think more about what makes you unique. Have you ever asked your past clients why they used you? Better yet, ask stop at every door with a "sold" sign in the yard and ask them why they chose that Realtor.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Referable is likely to be too passive, since you want your past satisfied customers to act as your sales team. If you do have a great number of very satisfied people, then collect their testimonials (by writing, video, and/or still photo). That'll be a stronger form of showing how many people's lives you've changed for the better.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Go to the REASON you're so "referable," not the fact that you are.

    "Referable" isn't a benefit (for your clients), and since your name doesn't include any benefit reference, your tagline should.

    Your strategy is flawed.
  • Posted bymichaelon 米ember
    "It's your reputation too"

  • Posted on Accepted
    I'm still confused about who you are targeting with this campaign. Are you targeting your past clients, trying to get them to refer new clients to you? Or are you sending this to prospective clients?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon 米ember
    Talking About Us...
  • Posted bymktgcbbon Accepted
    A brochure and series of postcards? Seems like a lot of expense to essentially "refer a friend" or give you a testimonial.

    But for a tagline. . .how about:
    If you're happy and you know it. . .tell a friend.
    Buying a home in this environment is too risky to leave to chance. . .

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