

Product Launch In Europe But No Real Strategy

Posted byalexanderdenzinon 125 Points

I am a sales at a company in Taiwan and as I am from Europe they want me to sell our product in Europe. Now I got a distributor interested but of course they want to know our marketing and go to marketing strategy. I am not in marketing so I asked my sales manager and the following:

Q: What’s our channel strategy?
A: Following leads and give customer support

Q: Which go to market activity do we have?
A: Product reviews in Taiwan and US, maybe we can do that in Europe

Q: What’s our marketing strategy?
A: Getting qualified channels and support customer

I mean that doesn't sound right, does it? This company drives me crazy, I mean I know the Taiwanese style, they usually don't have a plan and wonder why they never sell something, but he is "a" manager! We even have a marketing department, I asked them and they told me "that's for international market, we don't have a clue".

So I am more or less on my own here and I am very confident that I will never hear from that distributor again if I present them this answers.

So my question, should I try with this answers or not? As I said, I am new in sales and I have no marketing experience.


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  • Posted byalexanderdenzinon Author

    well I am located in Taiwan and the problem is that the people here don't like to get told what they should do. All I got is "hope you can get this customer". They don't realize that the market in Europe is huge and already settled with similar products by established companies (most of them Taiwanese). I guess I have to learn more about marketing. Thanks for your answer though!
  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    Hello Martin,

    I'd be happy to help - send me an email, you can find it in my profile

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Member
    我知道你have closed this question but this is my two cents.

    The distributor is talking very typical of a dsitributor. You should be asking them how they will bring your product to market. Distributors knee jerk reaction is to find products that sell themselves.

    So your managers answers are curt, but not too far off track. Cause if you do all the marketing work, what do you need a distributor for? Distributors who add their markup just to push paper are a dime a dozen. I've fired them for that exact attitude.

    Leads should be funnelled to the distributor (in question 1). You pull thru the sales thru the distributor. And distributor support is paramont. So your manager isn't as off base as you think.

    What you should be focussing on is what you need to support the distributor in his efforts to bring in sales.

    So instead of going thru hoops to entice distributor, turn the tables. Its a partnership. You will set milestones you expect the distributor to make in sales. So what are the distributors channel and marketing strategy. And what do they need to support their efforts is the questions you should be asking-- to the distributor not your manager.
  • Posted byalexanderdenzinon Author
    thank you CarolBlaha, thats good to know, I will work with that.

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