
Topic: Taglines/Names

Trademark Had Old Name Now I Need A New One.

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I had my logo, bcards, and brochures all printed and given out for the past 7mo with the name Health.Point. Loved the name, however I went to get it registered and there is a Trade mark on the name so obviously I need a new one and to start all over.
I rent a room in an office complex that has machines, free weights and cardio machines that is extremely private so I'd be doing a lot of group exercises and 1-on-1 personal training.
I am located 5min from downtown in Winnipeg, Canada and very central.
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    Before you select a new name, search all trademark databases and make sure it's not trademarked/copyrighted!

    You will want to Google the name, too, because there could be a sole proprietorship with proven history with a name.

    Personally, if you're operating a fitness-focused business, I'd highlight the fitness part in the name. The word "health" is too broad.
  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    and don't forget to check if the website is taken

    Here's an idea: Local Health Central
    (websites available)
    - suggest a close by place
    - stress Health
    - it's not a fitness center, but a central, where you generate health

    Didn't check for trademarks, only found a Health Central in FL, but not with local....

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your responses both of you I really appreciate it!
    As far as making it fitness based I do agree, but eventually I'd like to grow as a health organization which will have a nutritionist, massage therapy, doctors, physical therapy, fitness etc. So I do like the idea of making it broad and teaming up with some of those specialists.
    @mvaede I do like your name and am probably going to work with that, no trademarks or local names with it so it may be a go. If that doesn't work I might try "ABC Health Central" (ABC = Active (or ascend) Balanced and Complete)
  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    You might want to consider XYZ Health & Fitness just so people know what you're all about :) Good luck.

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