
Topic: Taglines/Names

Dandelion Darlings? Yes Or No?

Posted bylindseymarie1109on 125 Points
My current store name is Dandelion Darlings. I want to change it to something else. I have a baby boutique selling cloth diapers, clothes, toys, baby carriers etc. I want my name to be shorter, easier to spell & remember but also sound like a baby store. I also want my name to sound classy. I really like "Twirl" for baby, but it's already taken.. And a tagline that would go well with the name if you can think of one :) Thanks!
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    What if you added a tagline or couple of words to the existing name? I think it's adorable as it is, but it doesn't explain what you sell.

    Have you considered Dandelion Darlings Baby Boutique?

    There are so many shorter baby boutique names already taken... And, if you have brand equity built into Dandelion Darlings, you don't want a drastic change.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would just call the store Dandelion..
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    The Dandy Lion
    Baby Dandelions
  • Posted bymktgcbbon Accepted
    I agree with Gail. If people already know your store name, changing it will be confusing. People may already be shortening it on their own to Dandelions- so that may be a possibility. But if you have a folllowing, I wouldn't mess with it. It's cute and memorable.

    Are you a local store with walk-by traffic? Or are people having difficulty finding you? If that's the case, maybe buy up domain names with common misspellings. Or add them to the keywords in your website. Hand out business cards with your # on it if people can't find your phone number or print it on your bags.
  • Posted byjmarshallon Accepted
    Judging from your store''s name, the about us section and your email name, I assume this is your site: Speaking as a both a professional and a woman who is expecting (and hence has been at a lot of similar sites lately), I see no reason to change your name and lose any links to your site or equity you''ve built. The site is visually appealing and the product offering is similar to many others in the same market segment (possibly too much so). But I think you could improve your business by focusing on your marketing rather than a new catchy name. Changing the name will not do as much for helping people find you and remember you as a good strategy will.

    It is clear that you are a momtrepreneur, which could be appealing. However, you''ve put some barriers to purchase on your site that you may not be aware of. Nowhere does your site say where you are located, even generally. Your shipping information is hidden amongst the legal disclaimers and privacy statements that may be necessary but are highly off-putting. It does not include where you ship to. It also refers a lot to Sample Store as the entity fulfilling the transaction, not Dandelion Darlings. Those things alone would send me to a competitor for online purchases. If your goal was to use the website to support local sales, you are missing the opportunity to say you are local. If the website is meant to drive business from a wider area, you need some search engine optimization. In a search for cloth diapers or baby legs, you don''t show up in the first 25 pages. I don''t know if you''d fare better in local search. You do not if the search is refined to California, which judging from the Facebook page is where you are. Basically, any traffic you get is completely dependent on customers knowing your company name right now, and you want to change that on the ones who''ve bought from you in the past!

    Invest the money it would take to build a new site and new marketing with a new name in helping people find you as a business, making visitors feel comfortable in the buying experience and giving them a reason to buy from you instead of the many other businesses with the same product lines.

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