
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Idea For A Sales Incentive Logo

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
我的创造力正在运行out. We are trying to find an idea and icon for a logo that is based around the Them "Believe". The sales force does not want it to have a spiritual like essence, but more of a motivational or achievement tone.

We tried race cars, sport figures, mountains climbers, and animals. I really need some out-of-the-box ideas.

Thanks for the help!
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    What about two "high five" hands in the air
    Two knuckle - hands meeting in a "Bro we did it"

    a football in air flight starting to dive
    - tagline "Touchdown"

    a foot on a tight rope between two tall building
    - tagline "Believe"

    the Indiana Jones foot crossing the ravine in "Last crusade"
    - tagline "Believe"

    A bumble bee in air, which is not supposed to be able to fly
    - tagline "Believe"

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    What are you trying to get people to "believe" in? Who are you trying to convince? What messages/images have you tried in the past that were successful (and weren't)?
  • Posted on Member
    The image you choose should be relevant to your target market. What/who is your precise market for this campaign? If you can think of what motivates your ideal target, then you'll have your image. Also, consider the age of your market, perhaps it is an image from an inspirational movie, song, book, iconic figure, underdog or event of a particular generation.
  • Posted bytcavanauon Accepted
    How about something with the lunar landing? (Lots of people don't believe we put a man on the moon.) And it took a lot of hard work to get us there.

    I like the idea of the rope between two buildings...think Philippe Petit.

  • Posted on Member
    How about a baby's first walk towards her parent ???(she belives she can get to her parents and the parent would be there to catch her if she slip's).

    A kid's first bicycle ride with his parent hands off the bicycle .

    A person jumping off from a cliff or a plane with a parachute.


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