
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help With A Brand Name

Posted bylindseyhauon 250 Points
I am setting up a modern Vietnamese cafe, the menu will have British influences. I am really stuck on finding a brand name. As vietnamese words mean nothing to British customers and a full British brand will have little relevance to Vietnamese cuisine. I would appreciate any thoughts or feedback.

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Flavors of Hanoi
    21°2 (latitude of Hanoi)
  • Posted bySher Milleron Accepted
    That's a tough combination. I gave it a lot of thought. Maybe you could use a name with "tea house" or "tea room" in it. That has positive connotations for both cultures. In Vietnam it's usually a type of cafe and of course, the British association goes without saying. Perhaps...the "Vietnamese Tea Room". You might also consider referring to a famous Vietnamese landmark such as Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, or as Jay mentioned Ha Noi.

    Another thought is to look into common ingredients and name for that. I know of a Lemongrass Cafe that is very popular, as well as a Thai Basil.

    Also, you could consider the philosophies of Vietnamese cooking, such as the focus on balance or engaging all the senses. Draw from phrases such as "Yin Yang", "Five Elements", "Five Senses" or, and I like this one quite a lot "Five Spices" cafe. These may not have a lot of relevance to British culture, but they are intriguing names and that may do the trick.
  • Posted bylindseyhauon Author
    Thanks Jay and Sher for your responses.

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