
Topic: Strategy

Can Anyone Recommend A Software Package For Planni

Posted bylstevenson 125 Points
I have a retailer that needs a software package that they can use to plan their marketing campaigns and track the results (sales and UPS). Any suggestions?
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  • Posted bylstevenson Author
    Thank you, I'll check this out, but it may not be a perfect fit. This retailer is a brick and mortar store without eCommerce on their website (furniture shipping on UPS is limited to physically smaller items).
  • Posted bySher Milleron Accepted
    I have typically used Sales and Marketing Pro from Palo Alto software for small business clients who needed sales management and marketing plan assistance, when necessary. I've used it to track leads, create marketing plans, track sales, and a variety of other tasks; however, I've never used it to track shipping and don't know if it has that capability. I do know you can create custom spreadsheets and attach as necessary so that might be an option. This will take you to the overview:

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