
Topic: E-Marketing

Monitor Top 500 Retailers Xmas Email Campaigns

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to monitor the top 500 Global Retailers Christmas email campaigns, and see what type of promotions they send out and how often they send them and analyse subject lines etc... Does anybody know of any online tools or companies that track and monitor email promotions for the retail sector?
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    I assume you already know which 500 retailers you'd like to monitor. Otherwise, here's a few links:

    Secondly, I don't think you want this to cost much if anything. So I'd suggest to create 500 Google Alerts, one for each retailer to keep track of their activity
    Parallel to this, you could sign up on their websites and receive their emails yourself

    Then have an excel sheet to keep track of emails, subject line, key words.....

    B2B marketing

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