
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Marketing Campaign

Posted byeconomist2010on 25 Points
What does Email Marketing Campaign mean? And how can it be implemented?
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  • Posted on Accepted

    Seems you have set the target of learning all marketing basics in this forum. Never mind - i am just kidding.

    It's good to see people are open to ask basic questions as well. I really appreciate this.

    Email Marketing is nothing but another channel of advertising. Like wise Print media, Broadcasting media or any other way of communicating with customer - Email Marketing is another way of communicating with customers.

    It's like you must have noticed or you yourself must have enrolled to lot of news letters on various websites. In response to that you get lot of mails which contains regular updates or some time some advertisement. This is a nothing but a Email Marketing. You are communicating with your customer / prospective customer via email. Letting them know about your new offerings etc.

    Email marketing has evolved in last decade. There are rules which governs spam email marketing. Every email service provider has strong spam policies. Because of all this, email marketing has become an Art and no more a child's play - Compose, add email id's and send.

    Marketing needs has also evolved email marketing strategies, some of them are sending personalize emails, sending day and time, frequency, being humble and professional by offering best unsubscribed policies etc etc..

    You can find lot of email marketing services available on internet- look for constant contact, cheetha mail, mailchimp..

    Hope this will help you..

    Nishant Manchanda
  • Posted byKonsulting Worxon Accepted
    What separates a good email campaign from a great one? Innovation. An intriguing message. A clean, bold layout that gives the eye something to linger on.

    Because online marketing is one of the few industries experiencing growth and prosperity in the present economy, a growing number of entrepreneurs and online service providers are aiming to expand into providing email marketing services. This is an outstanding business opportunity, particularly for businesses who already offer internet- or marketing-related services to their clients. In this article we will briefly review the steps you need to take to succeed as an email marketing service provider.

    Your business plan:

    The first step, of course, is to determine who your target market is and exactly what you will be offering them. There a full sections of library devoted to the topic of how to write a business plan, but the basic are simple:

    Market Analysis:
    Who will your customers be and what are their needs?
    你的竞争对手是什么样子的?什么opportunitities exist and what barriers exist to realizing those opportunities? How do your particular strengths and weakness affect your chances of success?

    Product Development:
    In this case you know you intend to provide email marketing service. What does that include? Will you be building up your clients’ email lists for them? Writing advertising copy? Or will you simply be providing access to a web-based email marketing system that you will maintain?
    You will also want to evaluate your costs, including man-hours, and develop a pricing scheme based on consideration of these figures, how much profit you need to justify your efforts, and what price you think your market will bear for the services you’re offering.
    Sales & Marketing
    How do you intend to go about promoting your new service? Do you have an existing customer or subscriber base that you can leverage to get the service going?
    Ordering & fulfillment logistics

    Things You’ll Need

    No matter what type of email marketing service you’ll be running, you will need to invest in a solid server & ISP or a hosting package that is capable of accommodating your projected usage volume.

    You will need to buy bulk email marketing software with a sufficient number of user licenses to accommodate your projected initial needs (the order page is here).

    You will need to effectively market your service. If you have an existing client base and are offering the service to them as a way to add value or expand upon your existing services, then you definitely have a huge advantage here. Otherwise, you will have trouble competing with major service providers like ConstantContact and AWeber unless you find a specific niche or untapped client base. As with any other type of business planning, this is where your ability to exercise some serious ingenuity comes in.
  • Posted byeconomist2010on Author
    In which industry this tool (Email Marketing Campaign) would be effective and in which industry it wouldn't?

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