
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help Creating Catchy New Newsletter Name

Posted byj.dietrichon 125 Points
We're switching our weekly newsletter for our Association (the Mechanical Contractors Association of South Florida) from a long-standing weekly format to a monthly format. The old name was rather boring (The Weekly Update) but at least everyone could easily refer to it. Obviously, since we're going monthly, we need a new name!
Our members are HVAC contractors who provide mechanical service, retrofit and provide mechanical engineering / installation for new construction (think of everything in a commercial building that makes it "run", minus electrical & plumbing). These are not small mom & pop residential AC folks. They do the work large scale projects (resort, hospitals, condos, bio-pharm labs, etc.) I've come up with some potential key words, but nothing that just clicks:
Dispatch (most member co's have dispatchers), condenser, compressor, MCA Today, MCA Messenger. I like the word "advocate" since that sums up the Association's role for the contractors.... also current (as in air current). Also, if it helps, since we're in South Florida, we're in a tropical climate. Any help would be *really* appreciated...
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    what about: "Monthly breeze"
    - with fresh news and cool updates

    "stay current" or

    "Associative currents"
    (假设你谈论你association and its members)

    Mikael Vaede
    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Accepted
    How about something a little cheeky?

    "Hot Air"

    Or something familiar-

    "On the Air"

    Use an "on button" for icon
  • Posted byj.dietrichon Author
    Thank you both for great suggestions. Laura, I *love* the "on the air" idea... catchy, and lends itself to some interesting visual elements!
  • Posted on Member
    Awesome! Glad to help! Send me a copy if you get a chance- I would love to see what you guys do with it!

    Laura Wrede
    Freelance Writer and Photographer
    Becoming Part of Your Success Story

  • Posted on Accepted
    What about ... The Sunny Disposition.. From a Contractor's point of view monthly makeover

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