
Topic: Student Questions

Atl Vs Btl

Posted byJunaid Tirmazyon 250 Points
Why do companies are more indulged in spending heavy amounts on ATL activities despite of using BTL approaches?
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Because many of the people that sign off on this kind of thing believe (mistakenly) that when they sign off on more, and that when they spend more on their messaging, that they'll automatically see a better class of customer, or bigger sales, or more bang for their buck.
  • Posted byJunaid Tirmazyon Author
    I can't understand your comment, may be you are talking about the direct mails or email kind of things! but I'm talking about more than it.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Why do companies spend more on TV posts than on direct mail? Because it LOOKs so much better. They think it gives them more bang for their buck, when what it ought to be doing is driving sales.
  • Posted byJunaid Tirmazyon Author
    Increasing sales is the basic motive of advertisement and spending millions on just TVCs is not seems a good idea. YES, there is some combination of BTL and ATL i.e TTL. but this all is the sales oriented approach. BTL in not just direct mails or e-mails or some similar idea, it is much more than it so why can't this approach be used strategically?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Why can't this approach be used strategically?

    Because ... it means doing some work.

    Because it means planning.

    Because it means taking the time to figure out what customers want.

    Because it means giving value.

    Because it means testing, tweaking, and optimizing offers.

    Because it means looking at figures.

    Because it means guessing who will do what, when, and with what intention.

    Because it's not shiny enough, and because it doesn't bring in instant results ... except that it does, if it's done properly.
  • Posted byJunaid Tirmazyon Author
    well Sir, in a nut shell its all about how a company sees its' customers.
    Milk giving goats or assets..
    its the approach that matters.
    organizations do not intend to make efforts for making friends but only a large customer base which is always has the potency to switch. then they make efforts to get them back. so the question is why can't they build strong relationship with customers. this is generally what happened and especially in FMCGs.
  • Posted byJunaid Tirmazyon Author
    any other response on the topic??
  • Posted byStarsDieon Accepted
    Well, BTL is indeed more planning/investigating/guessing - working actually - as Gary Bloomer has mentioned.
    Although I constantly use anything BTL related in my work and I actually plan these activities strategically. Not a huge Marketing Budget, you know, so ATL is fine only in some cases - in fact, I use it only to support BTL and everything else.
    BTL keeps you closer to the customers and their needs while ATL is something that makes a pleasant topping over your Marketing cake.
    Combination of the two is perfect.
  • Posted byJunaid Tirmazyon Author
    Thanks Mr. Bloomer for your thoughtful response.

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