
Topic: Social Media

Identifying The Target Audience

Posted bynatalie.fieldon 500 Points
Hi, we are running a campaign called GIVP (global innovation venture partner) A contest to find innovative partners. we want companies to nominate & participate. so I need some help in identifying the right channels. where do target audience communicate & access information. what are the best places to promote. any help?
Below few questions:

there are no competitors to learn from, or use keywords,
no clue how do SMEs look for such information,
no clue where companies look for daily business news, so we can find the target audience
Identifying keywords, do companies look for venture partner, how do they find one, What are the search terms.
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  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    What about partnering with a company like springwise, they do a newsletter of innovative business ideas and may have a following that would compliment yours. Another would be

    Also partner with companies that have sponsored small business startups via contests. Starbucks recently did that, try googling that.

    There are also groups that follow business by industry. I think if you were more specific in what types of business you are looking for, we might be able to pinpoint further.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    You might want to look at entrepreneurial magazines, websites, forums, and business groups.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I can't figure out who the target audience is. Maybe I'm missing something.

    "Companies" is way too broad, if that's what you think is your target audience. There are millions of companies, large and small, all over the world. You'll never reach even a small fraction of them.

    First challenge is to figure out who the realistic target audience might be. What continent? What size? What industry or industries? Who inside the companies are the right people?

    Then you need to figure out the benefit to them for nominating and participating. What's in it for them?
  • Posted bynatalie.fieldon Author
    Hi all,

    Thank you for the help and time, all the answers are very much helpful.

    Just to clear few things:

    Global innovation venture partner contest is open for all, any company or even an individual who has created innovative solution or products can nominate.

    WIFM: Visibility in the global market

    Collaboration to create and add value

    Exploration of new and exciting opportunities together

    we will be running ads in LinkedIn, Google, Bing.

    do you think its a right approach ? any more suggestions.

  • Posted by彼得(指甲花外国人)on Accepted
    Is this the URL of the program?

    You placed this question in the social media category, so presumably you are looking for social media related responses. On the business side, Linkedin is likely the place to be. But I think you may also be able to target people well enough in places like Facebook.

    But what you are after may be appropriate for more general business and technology magazines. Like an ad in the Economist.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Sponsor your local TEDx conference, and become their video sponsor (so your slide is in the video pre-roll).,, etc.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Search terms (google)

    Looking for venture partners

    Angel investor

    Startup funding

    Venture meeting place
  • Posted bynatalie.fieldon Author
    Thanks again. wonderful suggestions & guidance. made a big difference in my research, there is so much clarity now. thanks all again. Great work.

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