
Topic: Research/Metrics

What Part Of Your Day Could Use A Better Solution?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hey everyone. We've created a platform that is trying to build a bridge between the marketing world and technology entrepreneurs, so that better solutions can be discovered and created. We'd like to know as marketers, what are some problems you'd like solved in your lives?

We'd love it for you to put your answers here:

Anytime you feel the need to voice additional things, we'll either find you the answer or a way for it to get created
To continue reading this question and the solution, sign up ... it's free!


  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    为什么你的链接循环在t回到这个问题吗his forum?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    The problem with this question is that it defeats the purpose of the Know-How Exchange: to share information and opinions with each other.

    When you take us off site to post our thoughts, YOU might get some benefit, but we don't. So what's in it for us to click on the link and give you the input YOU seek?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member

    When you click on the link it brings you back to the KHE and THIS question. The link leads nowhere.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    (Aside: the link now goes to his/their website, but it appears to be a way to harvest your Twitter information, including: reading Tweets from your timeline and see who you follow.)

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