
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tagline For Handcrafted Jewelry Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我想把我的爱好和圣到下一水平art a handcrafted jewelry business. Please help come up with a name and tagline that reflects the elegant jewelry I like to create: featuring pearls, Swarovski crystals, gemstones and sterling silver. I'm planning on having a special occasion line suitable for brides, wedding party and other formal events, along with "everyday" jewelry. Also, any ideas for a brand would be helpful.
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Much like MONMARK, I don;t answer questions for the points, and much like MONMARK I agree that your first port of call is to review the archives. Then, you need to think less about a name and more—much more—about two simple documents that will serve you far better than a name a tag line. Those documents are your business plan and your marketing plan.

    The first outlines what you will make and sell, how much it will cost you in time and money, how much you will mark it up by, and how you'll build and strengthen your business idea. It outlines who your ideal buyer is, what they want out of your products, and why people should by from you and not from someone else.

    The second document outlines how you'll get your wares in front of buyers, what stories you'll tell, how you'll present your wares, how you'll position your wares and yourself, and how you'll condition the thinking of your buyers. Having a name is one thing but its degree of "catchiness" isn't what matters, it's how it connects with the needs of your ideal buyer.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your input Randall. I agree that there is a lot of competition in this area, which is why I think the name and brand are so important and a real "marketing" issue. Since I plan to have a web site, the name I choose also needs a domain. Unfortunately, most of the names I've considered have the domains taken or haven't passed the test with family, friends or current customers.

    Some of the names I've considered are:

    hummingbead jewelry, (hummingbirds are my favorite bird)

    northern lights jewelry, (I'm from Minnesota)

    stoney creek jewelry or root river jewelry, (we live by the root river)

    blooming jewelry

    the jewelry garden

    Any ideas would be welcome.

    Thank you,

    PS. I reviewed the archives before I asked for help.

  • Posted on Author

    I appriciate your comments and suggestions. My husband and I have been taking part in an entrepreneurial enrichment series, and we have been working on the business and marketing plan.

    I agree the name needs to connect with the buyers. My target group is professionals, 20 to 60 years of age, who likes statement jewelry made of classic gemstones such as turquoise and pearls with Swarovksi cyrstals.

    Any suggestions for a business name? I really wanted to avoid using my name as part of the name....but I want something that connects with the buyer and speaks to their heart. I feel the passion I put into making my jewelry connects to the buyer when they see my line. I just need to get that passion into a name!

  • Posted on Author
    I really like Hummingbeads. Unfortunately the domains for Humingbead, Humingbeads and Humingbead Jewelry are taken. While I can tweak the domain with an A, The or My, is there a copyright issue of establishing a business with the same or similar name and products?
  • Posted on Author
    Great idea! Hummingbeads was my first choice, so we'll make a variation of that.
    Thank you,

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