
Topic: Taglines/Names

Re-nameing Plumbing Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a plumbing company that uses my own name for the name of the company. I also use a roman aquaduct as my logo. I would like to rename my company. I like my logo but only my european customers actually know what it is. I get why do have a bridge for your logo, what bridge is that. If the new could explain the logo or get a new logo all together. This is my dilema.
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  • Posted on Author
    thank you for all you help
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Let's start at the beginning.
    - Why do you want to rename your business? Presumably you've built up good name recognition already and a name change will make it harder for people who like you to find you again.

    - Creating a business name that explains a logo isn't a good reason to change the name. If you're going to change your business name (what's the old name?), pick a name that targets: who you serve, where they're located, you specialty, etc.

    - Finally, what makes your company better than all other other plumbing companies in your area? Why should someone want to hire you?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Renaming a company is serious stuff ... at least from a marketing standpoint. If you've been doing business under the current name for a while, then you stand to lose the name recognition you've built up over the years, if you decide to change names.

    From my perspective, I think I'd sooner lose (or modify) the logo if it has become a real problem. In a way, it's good that people ask about the logo. It gives you a chance to explain and establish/strengthen the relationship you want.

    If you have a totally new logo (or a new name), it could take years to build up the recognition you now enjoy. Are you sure you want to do that?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Please supply a link to your logo and please also tell us the name of your company. It seems to me here that the easiest thing to do is to change the logo. The fact that you like the logo is not important: you're not buying your services, other people are.
  • Posted on Member
    Make sure it's short simple and to the point, make the logo memorable, 2 colors and fun! and you'll never regret it!
  • Posted on Author
    我开始这个公司的意图a company, I started this to be self employed and work whenever I wanted to. The work I did everybody loved and told everybody about me. Now everybody wants me to do their work. I hired guys to do the jobs but they only want me. I have been working 7 day a week between 80 to 110 hours a week for 5 years now and I am tired of working. I want to close down and open with new location new number new name and get a fresh start with new customers and new pricing. I still have a huge client list that I could fall back on if I needed more work. I want to be behind the scenes where nobody knows it's my company , I will be a regular plumber for this new company and the customers will not know I am the owner when I go to their house to do work.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I love it! That's a great reason to re-name the company. Of course, you're not "re-naming" as much as you are naming a new company.

    My suggestion: CityName Plumbing, where CityName can be literally the name of your city or town, or the region, or the nickname, or the name of a familiar local landmark, local hero, or other reference that will be meaningful to people in the area.

    And don't worry so much about the logo. You can keep using the Roman aqueduct or not. It doesn't matter.

    And next time, don't forget to price high enough so that if you're working that many hours you can make a bundle and retire in a year or two! (You can always offer good customers a courtesy discount if you want to.)

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