
Topic: Other

Sales Call

Posted bykat.knighton 25 Points
I have been asked to make a sales call as part of interview process but not sure how to start. The idea is to promote road freight and the approach of questoning techniques. How do I start and what should i use? please help peeps
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Always start by finding out what the customer does and needs. Ask a few high-gain questions and let the customer tell you what you need to do to get the order.

    Don't start by rattling off features or telling your own brand story.
  • Posted byrachikwonon Accepted
    The best way to start a sales call is to develop a professional greeting, then introduce yourself, express gratitude, state the purpose of your call, schedule a meeting, If a face-to-face meeting is the most appropriate next step, use the alternate-of-choice questioning strategy, Thank them for their time today and for the upcoming appointment and lastly, follow up.
  • Posted bykat.knighton Author
    Thanks to the replies I have got so far, most helpful. Dreading the call to be honest and tried to write down notes on how to start the conversation and keep it flowing. As its a interview call think thats why Im panicking. Will use all your good advice.
  • Posted bymktgcbbon Accepted
    Do you have a friend of colleague who you can practice with? if it's for an interview, it's possible the interviewer will throw a couple of scenarios at you. You should practice so that you aren't knocked off balance by twists and turns in the conversation. What will you do when the interviewer says, "sorry, I don't have time to talk right now." "I don't need that sort of service." "or, this is great, where do I sign?" When you begin the conversation, always be sure they have time to give you their attention. Ask for 5 minutes and keep it at 5 minutes. . .or however long you need. Ask for an email so you can follow up with a whitepaper, link to your website, etc. They probably want to see that you are respectful of people's time, persistent but not rude and capable of thinking on your feet. Good luck!

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