
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ensuring Production Is Sold

Posted bypublicon 60 Points
I'm still feeling my way about what questions I should be asking.

I will eventually start up offering a gardening product.

I can appreciate that if I at first consider my resources only, I will have a range of production levels that is possible, and it is my decision at what level I choose production to be. Of course, one would eventually take in marketing data to make that production level decision.

Once that production level decision is made I have the task of ensuring that it is likely I can sell the production.

I stress the word - likely.

Now, what I'm trying to elicite from folks, is, in general what should I do in a practical sense, that would tend to ensure I could sell the production?

The issue seems to be a matter of reach, exposure, whether the market share is known or not.

Now it's obvious that I need to figure out how the market segment is to be reached. I see that in my case, reach will be a matter of placing my product in retail stores, horticultural centres, DIY stores. Then there are advertisements in the gardening magazines. Also adverts on TV and radio.

Okay, so I can see where, in a practical sense, I can achieve reach/ exposure.

But, what I have little knowledge of is what it might take to ensure production is likely sold. All I know is that I have some appreciation of the places my product can achieve exposure.

What I feel I need is someone who has had my same problem, of being a start-up, knowing more-or-less the places where the product can achieve exposure, but unsure at first how to ensure production is likely sold.

I don't know what might help me, hints, techniques, a process - whatever. But whatever help I do need, it's got to be practical and have a bearing on my task of making suitable arrangements such that production is likely sold/shifted.

Do I need to know a forcasted market share in order to achieve my task?

How does any start-up know that their production will likely be sold? To me, that must involve reach/exposure. Because it seems that what is sold will be entirely down to reach/exposure. Knowing that production will likely be sold cannot be gained from simply knowing where exposure takes place. It needs more than that. But what?

Take magazines. If my product is advertised in a gardening magazine, I'll achieve some exposure. But, how can I get to know that my production will likely be sold given that exposure? And I could repeat that question for every place that could expose my product. (I think technically I might need an estimate of market share.)

Of course, total sales of a segment/market represents the case where 100% of customers were reached. In theory, if I knew what market share my product could achieve, then I could work out what percentage reach I'd need to shift all my production.

I'd have no idea though what percentage of reach a magazine had, or a retail outlet. That seems to be important. If I knew what share of reach any place had, then I might begin to be able to establish whether my production can be likely sold or not.

尽管我有一些理论comprehension, it is the case that my not having any experiece of dealing with magazines or retailers, I just don't know how I can get to establish I could likely sell my start-up-period production. It seems achieving that task must involve dealings with those places offering product exposure.

我认为我想要一个答案,说点什么like : If I were you I'd contact a, b, c. And I'd ask them to tell you x, y, z. And I'd apply techniques 1,2,3. And I'd draw up x type of plan. But anyway, please let me know what you think.

Thanks. Rich

P.S. You must assume I have proven a demand for the product.
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  • Posted bypublicon Author

    I hope that everything is clear. Practically speaking, one ends up making a decision on arrangements - those arrangments being where to give the product exposure. Those arrangments will likely involve retailers, magazines etc.

    But, of course, one wants to get a feeling that sales brought about by the arrangments, likely more-or-less equals production.

    I don't know if I am using the correct word, I am using the word reach, exposure.

    If I appraoch a magazine, how can I know what reach that will give? Will the magazine have helpful statistics? If I approach a retailer, direct marketing, again the same questions.

    Unless there is published reasearch, it appears to me the only chance I have to ensure reach will likely lead to sales matching production, (which is more-or-less what I'd be after) is to get in touch with magazine publishers, retailers, etc, directly. But, that's just my best guess. Does anyone know for sure?
  • Posted bypublicon Author
    Let me just give you my answer to my own question. I'd accept an answer that was able to point out anything that would be something you would not do, in the situation, and what you would do.

    My task is (I think it should be) to establish what arrangments I need so that I get sufficient reach, such that I sell most of my start-up-production.

    Firstly, I really need a strategy concerning reach. That strategy will be down to the nature of the market, the product, the level of production and my financial resources.

    Then you contact the places that fit in with that strategy. The only way that I am going to come up with an estimate of the reach is to ask these places (retailers, advertisers etc) about what reach they can offer. I don't know if there is secondary research about reach.

    That's about it. I don't know much more.

    I'm in UK, and my best bet is probably to contact GIMA. Garden Industry Manufacturers Association. They ought to know about all these things.

    但是,不管怎样,如果有人想get 60 points, just bring a small bit of enlightenment to me. :c) Something that steers me in the right direction. Thanks
  • Posted bypublicon Author
    Well, I'm actually seeking to grasp what I'd need to do sell my production when I've decided on the level. Specifically how making arrangements for ensuring satisfactory product reach exposure might look like, in the circumstances.

    I think it is okay here to assume that there is demand, that I know who the competitors are, etc.

    I can assume I know, for the present, all these things, but I wanted some small bit of enlightenment about product exposure. It is not neccessary to do a jigsaw puzzle working from one end to another. When I'm building my knowledge I can do the same. It's just knowledge I'm building up, line upon line, precept upon precept. At the moment that is acceptable. Knowledge often is gained that way, then one day it all fits into place.

    If someone has experience of actually starting up a business making a product, then I think they would appreciate how shifting production, so dependent on product exposure, is so much on the mind of the businessman. And how the order of practical knowledge, comes (when it is a small bit of enlightenment - a lead) has little significance.

    Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, is okay when you are trying to build up insight.

    What is needed is someone not to try to second guess what I need, but to try to give some insight as to how do you practically deal with ensuring product exposure is likely adequate. I realise, this may not be easy to answer. in specifics, but generally maybe it is answerable.

    I mean, is establishing reach/exposure a matter of speaking directly with magazines, retailers, TV radio, or can it be done through secondary desk research? I don't know the answer to that basic question. Getting input on that would be welcome.

    I realise that who I may have to actually talk to, will be down to some marketing strategy decision, what level of production I'm aiming fore etc.

    Thanks anyway, for trying to be of assistance.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Your question is nigh on unanswerable because it reads like something from David Mamet: "line upon line, precept upon precept ..."

    Tell us, in fewer than 50 words, what you want.
  • Posted bypublicon Author
    There is no difficulty answering my question from someone who has tried to start up in production, IMHO.

    The answer would be something like the follwing:

    From a practical point of view, you need first to formulate a strategy concerning product reach.

    If that strategy relies primarily on advertising through magazines, you neee to contact the publisher or obtain there media pack. Also you could try gaing information relevent to magazine reach from the National Readership Survey.

    If that strategy involves placing your product in teail outlets, then your best bet is to talk to them about what their reach is.

    Concering the accuracy about reach, I feel that you are best advised to talk to publishers and retailers, rather than rely in secondary research.
    I am looking for something like the above I have just created ooff the top of my head.

    I will now close this question.

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