
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Hairbow Holders

Posted bymoorebrenda719on 25 Points
I am making Hair Bow Holders and am searching for a name. Can you help me come up with a catchy name that will be easy for people to remember?
I love making these and want them to sell. I know how hard it is to keep track of all the little barrettes and bows! I would like to sell the Hair Bow Holders and Tutu Hair Bow Holders online.
I also do Custom Sewing and would like to branch out into other areas.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Hair Bow Central
    Hairbow Catchers
  • Posted bymoorebrenda719on Author
    Thank you for your information as well as the names.
    I appreciate the info.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    For the exact search term "Hair bow Holders" there are 77,900 pages of results on Google.

    To sell online you need more than a name, "catchy" or otherwise. What is it about your product line that sets your products apart? Why would people buy from you when there are so many other makers in this niche already?

    I'm not saying there's no hope for your success because there are advertisers on Google for this niche, proving that there are buyers. What I am saying is that to stand out, you need more than a name: you need a business plan and a marketing plan.
  • Posted byItsAllAboutMediaon Accepted
    Hair Candy
    Brain Bows
    Bow Bling
    Little Bow Keep
    Hair Bling
    Take a Bow

  • Posted byItsAllAboutMediaon Accepted
    Ballerina Bows
  • Posted bymoorebrenda719on Author
    Thank you for your advice! I'm thinking that I will start out selling on Etsy and at Farmers Markets.
    As for names I like Ballerina Bows and Little Bow Keep.

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