
Topic: Strategy

Promoting Qr Code Ads

Posted byemac_ton 250 Points
Dear All,

With the improvements on mobile devices I want to make 'small block print advertisements' using a qr code. To promote this I designed the following

My target audience: Regular Real estate agents who would place small ads. As well as Car Sales Agents.

Attraction: Free artwork design.

Main selling proposition: Ads created with QR code - make the most out of limited ad space.

Issue: The readers/customer are not aware of qr code, infact they do not know their mobile devices can do such thing.

I know this is a good concept, but how can I sell this service? We are not a big company with huge advertising budgets.

Please feel free to comment or to ask more questions.

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  • Posted byThorsten Strausson 交流cepted
    In my opinion the value in QR marketing is not making the code (almost anybody can do this) or designing the ad, but the know-how when a QR code works and how versus when not and how not plus the entire universe of online conversion .

    It is the expertise of QR code marketing that I would sell not just the ad.

    And that is no small task. In successful QR marketing, I consider the ad the easy part and the online conversion path that follows the hard part.

    So that is where I would focus my value proposition and differentiation on the conversion.

    Quick questions before you enter deeply:

    1) are your customers capable and willing to invest into what is needed to turn leads from QR codes into paying customers?

    2) are you capable to consult and execute this for your customers in an affordable manner?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron 交流cepted
    Your site will benefit from copy editing.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon 交流cepted
    If your prospective customers aren't aware of the benefit, and you've got a long sales process. First you need to educate them about the technology. Then, you need to convince them that their customers would benefit. And lastly, you need to prove it to them - that their money is well-spent.

    If you don't have this information, then start by offering it for free for one or two clients (perhaps for a year's time). Document the process with a white paper, testimonials, and proof (increased website visits, increased conversions, increased sales, quicker sales, etc.). That'll help convince your naysayers.
  • Posted byemac_ton Author
    Thanks for your reply, I do have some questions

    Thorsten Strauss, what did you mean by'online conversion path that follows the hard part.'?
    Answer to your 2 questions,
    1. I have not discused any investments with them so far.
    2. Yes, I'm capable of executing this, most of them mentioned it's affordable.

  • Posted byemac_ton Author
    Gary Bloomer,

    Agree with you, copy needs editing, how can you help?

  • Posted byemac_ton Author
    Jay Hamilton-Roth,

    Yes you are correct, I'm offering this for free, not for a year but for 3 months where I do the ads for free.

    I can prove that their ads are QR- scaned' from the Hits that the perticular page make- each ad has seperate pages.

    Can you give a solution on how to make the public aware of this service.?
  • Posted byThorsten Strausson Member
    What I mean is this.

    If I would need a QR code I type "free qr code generator" into google and make myself a code. So the code generation is not your value.

    Next, I see that you are in ad design, so your value so far is in the design and concept.

    My point is, your value should be "how to be successful with QR codes". Provide the consultation on :
    - when and where to use a QR code
    - how to tie a QR code campaign into your clients web
    - how a web site (maybe with landing pages etc...) must be constructed to convert incoming traffic (that is the conversion path I talked about).
    (search for conversion, QR conversion etc here on marketing profs)

    Making an ad and making a code is relative easy.
    交流tually selling more because of a QR campaign that is the know-how that sets you apart.

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