
Topic: Taglines/Names

Baby Booth Name

Posted byseandannaon 25 Points
I specialize in making custom diaper cakes, homemade baby wipes, and baby type style. I'm looking for a cute catchy name. Something with a little fun, yet simple, easy to market. And I like the idea of having a little picture as a part of the logo/tagline. A few names/ideas I like...Little Darlings, Babee Babee (with a little bumble bee), Little Baby Booties, Little Babee Booty, something with Tushie or Cheeks...cute yet funny name hinting to diapers and wipes! But I'm completely open to any ideas. Can be a name with a color or animal...frog, turtle, etc. Please help!
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    What name are you currently using?
  • Posted byseandannaon Author
    I'm not currently using one...this is a new adventure for me.
  • Posted byseandannaon Author
    太棒了!谢谢你,我喜欢那些。我怎么发现的what company names are not already taken or if the Domain is open for a website?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Let's go back ... way back ... to some business basics.

    These come along before names, domain names, and pretty much everything else.

    In your geographic area, right now, how many other people are active in this niche? What business planning and marketing planning have you done? What revenue potential is there? How will you charge people?

    What are the best price points? How will you generate interest in your services? What is your experience in this niche? Who have you already served and served well? Why, given any competition, would people buy from you? What makes you a better choice?

    What are your start up costs? Given monthly costs, how long will it take you to break even? How long will it take you to make a profit? Where will your business be in a year, and in two years?
  • Posted byseandannaon Author

    Those are all great points, many that I have not thought of in any great detail...but will. Today, I'm not aware of any that produce products as I do, so I do not believe there are any others in my geographic area that I will be competing with (or anywhere that I've seen). Right now, I'm not doing anything large, just a small booth and possibly However, depending on how well those do, we will see what the potential growth is. Right now, I just need a name/tag line for the tags I'm putting on my items. Thanks for reminding me of all the things I need to be thinking of!
  • Posted byVisual Clueon Member
    Powder Bare

    Tush n Swush

    Little wrinkles

  • Posted byseandannaon Author
    Those are cute!! Thanks!

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