
Topic: Strategy

How To Introduce A Foreign Fashion Brand In Uk

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi everyone, my dilemma is what is the best way to introduce a brand that is well-established in the foreign market, has an army of local followers, has a great story behind its original creation and re-creation and does not have any representation in the UK. I sense a great opportunity because of the preliminary reactions I am getting when wearing the brand-it is footwear. When I tell the story behind it, the fashionistas of London scene are quite excited as no one else has the brand here in the UK.

I want to bring the brand into the UK. I already started talks with the manufacturer, however, I am thinking whether to go it alone as an independent authorised re-seller focusing initially on the niche market of London fashion crowd or whether to act as a sales representative for the brand and initiate talks with buyers in mainstream companies. Create accounts for the manufacturers here in the UK and take the commission for my work.

I am thinking how to make the buyers want to buy the brand before my sales pitch by using the immense power of social media, blogging fashion reviewers etc. Basically, how to introduce the brand to customers first so that if I go to approach the buyers in a company, I already have some data captured in terms of demand.

我就值列表e to sell the brand myself, but I lack funds, so this is why I am thinking the employment route, although not happy about it.

I have ideas, but lack exact knowledge how the process works when an established foreign brand wants to break into the UK market.

Please, any help is greatly appreciated.

Give me the right directions on what route to take and how.

Thank you very much,

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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member

    Does this mystery brand have an affiliate program?

    If it does, your best bet may be to set up related social media visibility (Facebook and Twitter for starters) and a blog, and to then wax lyrically about the greatness of the brand, tell people where they can buy, and insert your affiliate links into any "here's where to shop" links you might post.

    Technically, unless you're employed by this company, you're probably not going to be the one introducing the brand BUT you can certainly become one of the brand's initial social media champions, which then gives you bragging rights, cachet, and "I did this first" visibility, more-so if you link your content ABOUT this brand to major fashion mouthpieces (Elle, Cosmopolitan, etc.,.).

    Take action with this NOW and build your audience through social media and within six months, you'll have positioned yourself as the "voice on the street", so to speak, which means peolpe will begin to seek you out, and with this, seek your opinion for THEIR content sites.
    You then become an offshoot of the brand but unless you're going to enter the world of licensing you technically cannot position yourself as the official voice of the brand: intellectual property rights, DMCA and so on.

    You then benefit from affiliate revenue and possibly from associated ad placement (through the content networks0 on your blog, which needs to be Wordpress-based and which needs to be integrated into related social media channels and relevant sites.

    Make sense?
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Gary, thank you for your prompt post. To clarify, at this point I think they do not have an affiliate program. We need to discuss all the options in due course, but my mind has been spinning with "How to" ideas and I wanted to bring some British insight into the discussion. I think with my current marketing knowledge I predict that due to the nature of the brand, its origins and history, this brand would originally appeal to so called trendsetters of East London and Camden Town area...(-: People in artistic roles who strive to be different before the mainstreamers move in.

    I think my area of expertise lies rather in direct sales and promotion whereas your advice focuses on online media and such like. I will discuss what the best options are for both me and the company, but I would certainly want to be acknowledged monetarily for my brand introduction or sales/marketing effort. Be it in self-employed role or as rep of the company.

    If it had an affiliate program, then I would be the first affiliate to voice the brand to the world because it deserves I think. (-:

    Thank you again for your input.
  • Posted on Accepted
    The "pounding the pavement" route was the only method available 30 years ago, which is fine, and that kind of face to face selling is still very relevant...

    然而……有大量的服装、配饰nd footwear brands out there all undoubtedly touting how wonderful, unique, sexy (or whatever adjective you can think of)...I remember growing up very young in the 60s and as an adolescent in the 70s. To have your own line of clothing was a huge accomplishment...many years of rejection and heartbreak before you became an "overnight" success. Now it seems anyone with a hit record or two has a clothing, accessory or perfume line!

    The point of my stroll down memory lane is this: buyers are working with smaller budgets and shorter buying cycles and are looking for the biggest return possible! If you have tangible proof that your brand appeals to members of your demographic, then present it!

    Nothing short of a pricey PR campaign (which could blow up in your face) will do that better than social media...that's the age we're living in! If wearers of your footwear are tweeting, tagging, pinning, sharing and uploading the brand, then that's more than half the battle to grab the attention of buyers and merchandise managers...

    The ROI on advertising is minimal and, as you stated, you have limited funds; so that 10 page ad spread in Elle is out of the question.

    You say you have a following in the brand's country of origin as well as people in the UK that are excited about the line. What are you doing to capture that following and use it to grow that following?

    I like a visual aid when I'm consulting. Do you have a web site for the line?
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Dorothy, I sent you a private email. Check your spam as it was sent from my yahoo account. Their web-site is currently down due to refurbishment, so I sent pics of the line for your visual assessment.

  • Posted on Member
    会做,Jana !

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