
Topic: Other

Reach Mormons

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My company has several targeted advertising channels for reaching the Mormon community that are available to third-party brands who share this community's values.

These channels include events, magazines, catalogs, retail stores, email newsletters, online display ads, and mail order inserts.

I have a limited budget to work with. How would you recommend I go about making brand managers, media buyers and agencies aware of this opportunity?
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Your challenge is really to identify your target audience more precisely. It's not every brand manager or media buyer who wants to reach just the Mormon community ... unless you know something about that community that they don't know.

    What products would Mormons be more likely to need/want than those of other faiths who might be reached via mass media?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    "Reach Mormons" to do what?

    The channels you mention are one thing, but it's what those channels will deliver and to whom that matters.

    Just how will someone's religion impact their potential buying habits of goods, products, and services delivered THROUGH those channels?

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