
Topic: Other

Crowdsourcing, Good, Bad, Suggestions?

Posted byaresnik7on 250 Points
I work for a small golf company and we are looking for new and fresh designs for hats. I have been doing some researching and I am finding more and more that crowd sourcing can assist me in getting new, fresh designs. Does anyone have any reputable sites that I can go to? Any success stories using crowdsourcing? Any horror stories?

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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    You might try these guys:

    I haven't used them myself, but they seem to be a leader for creative design projects.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    As a graphic designer, my recommendation is that you work with a local designer, not with a crowd-based site.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    As a graphic designer, my recommendation is that you work with a local designer, not with a crowd-based site.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    Gary is right. You will get more satisfying results working with a good local designer who will take the time to really understand the problem to be solved, come up with great graphic solutions and become a part of your team over the long haul.
  • Posted byaresnik7on Author
    Thank you all for your input. I have been working with a couple of different graphic designers in my area and we have been very upset with the designs we are getting. Our view is that we have a national target market and our current GD's do not have a national view. They keep reusing team colors that are in the area and things of that nature. I will try This is one of the websites that was on my radar.
    Again, thank you all very much for your input!

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