
Topic: E-Marketing


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm starting my own business to sell product , how do I find clients/customers on social networking sites?
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    What kind of product? What kind of buyer? What kind of solution and for what kind of problem?
  • Posted on Author
    Social media exposure , I'm a promoter.
    I just need help with finding the right audience so I know that I'll be coming off the right foot.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    如果你创业卖社交媒体expose to prospective clients on social networking sites and you don't
    know how to find clients on social media platforms, might
    you need to review your business model?

    You are qualified to offer these services how? You've had success doing something similar where and for whom?
    You've generated results for other people leading to what specific outcomes?

  • Posted on Accepted
    Marketing 101: It's all about the demographics...what customers are your clients targeting? Age group, interests, marital status, income level, etc.

    Your clients should have a good grasp of who their customers are, but if you are going into the business of marketing/pr/advertising/promotion, knowing your target market is the first step and will be what guides you and your clients.

    And trust me, clients will be paying you a substantial amount of money based on YOUR ability to help them find their future customers. So I would advise you to "bone" up on this skill...IMMEDIATELY! is a great place to start...

    Social media involves a lot more than "liking" and "following" the pages of others and incessantly posting your clients' new products or special offers on Facebook or Twitter.

    It's a new, evolving medium that is growing and changing all the time. Although it's new to the marketing arena, many of the "rules of engagement" that I studied 100 years ago when I was a marketing major still apply.

    Question for are you going to find clients to sell YOUR business to? Chances are, many of the same techniques you use to find your clients will be the same techniques you will employ to find customers for your clients...
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi germinate,

    Well your question is exactly what other people also come and ask, how do I find customers on social media.

    If you are planning to offer these services to your customer, better you reach out a social media strategist first.


    Nishant Manchanda

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