
Topic: Student Questions

Cpm And Tcpm When To Use

发布的Anonymous on 250 Points
Explain the differences between CPM and TCPM. Give examples of a company or product that might select one of the methods versus the other
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  • 发布的SteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    You didn't say "please". Sounds like you want us to do your googling - is this homework?
  • 发布的mgoodmanon Accepted
    What does TCPM stand for? I understand CPM very well, but I don't think I'm familiar with TCPM.

    If this is a homework assignment, you should know we don't do homework here.
  • 发布的Moriartyon Accepted
    I think you need to check your spelling. I can find a few examples of what TCPM is, mostly in the chemical industry. That isn't going to help you much, is it? Either that or ask your lecturer what he meant when using the acronym.
  • 发布的Gary Bloomeron Member
    No. Here's why: as a student, it is your job to learn, not to copy and paste your answers from other people. Yes, this means you doing some work, making an effort, and getting off your butt. Harsh? Yes. Helpful? In the long run, yes: even more than you imagine. It's your inquiring mind that will get you a job, not your unwillingness to put in the effort required to bring about a result.
  • 发布的my3eson Member
    Actually I have a small business and was doing some research on what is the best way to advertise and this was something I was having a hard time figuring out. Don't worry I wont be back to this site for advice again!
  • 发布的Moriartyon Member
    If you have a small business, you need to be very clear about your targets - not the methods of targeting them. That kind of strategic thinking will weed out acronyms without you needing to question them first.

    Just my two ct.

  • 发布的aferr421on Accepted
    I would like to say that TCPM stands for Target Cost Per Thousand, but is only referred to as TCPM. I know this because I am in an advertising and sales promotion class, and this is one of the questions on a discussion board which requires us to answer questions, and respond to fellow classmates. It's actually written verbatim. Good luck, kid. Do your homework.
  • 发布的SteveByrneMarketingon Member
    While "Target Cost Per Thousand (TCPM)" appears on class discussion boards (someplace) It isn't quickly found in a google search from the US. However, CPTM does appear as follows:

    "CPTM is "cost per thousand targeted" ad impressions, apparently implying that the audience you're selling is targeted to particular demographics."

    For all practical purposes CPM, TCPM and CPTM are all the same since they all involve targeted programs. It's a question of how narrowly the audience is being targeted.

    CPNTM - cost per thousand narrowly targeted. (sorry couldn't resist).

  • 发布的mgoodmanon Moderator
    We always called that "target audience CPM."

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