
Topic: Strategy

Getting Past The Gatekeeper To The Ceo

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What are the best proven methods to work with and get past the PAs to CEOs of corporations?
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    By having a reason for the gatekeeper to help you. That means you need to have done your homework first - what problem the CEO has, that you have the best (and proven) solution for, at a great value.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    I'm working with a client on this very thing. It isn't easy, and if you don't take the direct method that Jay is proposing, you need to find out what interests they have. We made a stab at golf and worked out from there. That of course implies that you know the sort of things Jay is speaking of.

    Then we used the display network to get them whilst they weren't thinking about work. When their PAs suggested something, the message was already there.

    It takes time, not money.

    Oh, and the gatekeeper doesn't always have the sort of power that is implied by Jay. Many of them are simply doing a job, doing what they are told and are not being listened to. That is why you have to get clever.

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Jay has it right. You need to provide some brief information that will be easily recognized as "of interest" and beneficial to the CEO. The CEO will often determine the next step, such as send a memo to a VP to schedule a meeting (phone/online/or in office).

    Once you have everything thought through and prepared, I usually suggest you call/contact the PA directly and alert her/him to a FedEx package that will arrive the next day. Then later on that next day call and asked if the FedEx was received, and if yes, very skillfully ask if she would bring it to the CEO's attention. Good listening and appropriate follow up questions are keys to success. This has worked for me, albeit not every time.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Use social media. Or, wait until after normal business hours and call after 6 p.m. CEOs who are still in the office at that time tend to answer their own phones.

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