
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Logistics- Store Contacts On Phone?

Posted byKathyAdon 250 Points
Hello, marketing friends. I am wondering if anyone has a good suggestion on where to store contacts (ex. Vendors, friends, etc.). I have always stored contacts in Outlook. My iPhone syncs with Outlook automatically, so the contacts are always available on my phone.

However, I was recently laid off so my phone no longer has an Outlook account to pull from. Should I just store all the contacts on my phone? When I get another job, should I move the contacts back to Outlook? If I am at my desk at work, it seems like a pain to pull out my phone and look up a contact, when I am at a desk working in Outlook.

Thanks, marketing peeps.
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  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Thunderbird is a contact book that is free and can be synchronized with Outlook.

    Is this what you were looking for?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    My suggestion would be to store personal contacts separate from business contacts. When you are using an employer's computer (and software), you don't want your personal files on the company network. And when you leave a company, the business contacts most likely "belong" to the company, not to you. So, by right, you shouldn't have company contacts on your personal devices (phone, tablet, computer, etc.).

    Then there's the whole issue of whether a new employer should even have access to contacts from another business -- most obvious when the new employer is a competitor of the old one.
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    Definitely download the contacts to a file outside of Outlook or your phone (though I would likely also have a copy on the phone). Then put it on something that you can access at home on whatever computer you may have. If no computer, iPhone is the only way to go.

    Having separate work and home contacts could be useful, but I only have 1 phone and haven't figured out how to do that, so they are mixed there. I do have separate emails, so can keep the addresses in the email programs more separate.

    Of course, as mentioned, the work contacts may belong to work, so you do need to be careful there. Customer lists and the like are things they don't want taken.
  • Posted byKathyAdon Author
    Thanks everyone. This is great.
