
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Logistics Company

Posted bySeopackson 500 Points
Hello Friends

I'm looking for name for our logistics company based in Canada, serving North America.
We are looking for short, catchy and Brandable name.

Any ideas will be highly appreciated

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Who specifically are you hoping to target? Why would they choose to hire you (instead of the competition)? What do you know that others' don't? What types of transport? What speed? What price point? The more you can tell us about your business plans the better we can create a name that meets your goals.
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    Target Customers: Manufactures, Shippers, Wholesalers and any other who needs freight moved from POINT A to POINT B.
    Why Choose US? We are reliable, on time delivery, guaranteed service.
    What type of transport? Trucks
    Delivery on time at competitive prices....
    I'm looking for little catch name that should be little brandable

    Thank you
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    Sterling Logistics (of North America)
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Seopacks - you're in a tighly fought commodity business. Most of whom say "We are reliable, on time delivery, guaranteed service."

    What can you guarantee? Can you guarantee a delivery time like DHL's before 9am? And pay up when it's three minutes late?

    More to the point, and worth 100x any cheesy guarantee from some big faceless corporation - what do your customers tell you when they come back wanting another truckload for Madison, Wisconsin? Why do they choose you? Because focusing on this will mean your name reflects the reality of the business they'll be dealing with.

    A short brandable name I can do - you'd be well advised to expand it with a tagline which you can use elsewhere just to back it up in minds not so well tuned to logistics.

    Over to you!

    回复,我保证提供一些不同的names - one of which your customers will like. After all, they're buying so your name needs to speak to them first ;-)
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Define "catchy and brandable",
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    @ Gary Bloomer
    By catch I mean something easy to remember and catches the attention and by "brandable" I meant something that will identify us among others.

    @ Moriarty I know where you are coming from. There is no guarantee in this world on any thing.
    Any our guarantee is to get to Point B from A at time that is agreed by shipper and of course that time is calculated keeping various factors in mind.
    Anyway coming to the point: Normally good communication is very much appreciated in this industry. Even if you are running late if you let parties involved know ahead of time its not a big deal.
    Other thing our customers expect is honesty, no body likes to made up stories why the truck is late.
    So why they come to us? Communication (daily updates), Reliability (because we plan our trucks good) , honestly (honestly answers if there is screw up, not fake stories about stuck in traffic, truck brokedown etc etc)

    Yes I understand that short name has to be backed up with a Tagline and I will really appreciate if you could give me some ideas.

    Thanks for your response
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Actually the point I was trying to make is what can you sensibly guarantee to your customers - so that when it doesn't happen, you PAY out. Because stating this kind of thing goes a long way in a market like yours where most people just look at the price-tag.

    Because agreeing to deliver at a certain time may not be enough of a game-changer to attract new customers. I'll readily agree that it's great for your current customers, but then they know. New ones don't. What's more they may THINK that they have got that sort of deal with their current logistics company.

    What can you offer them, how would you describe what you do with your current customers in a way to attract attention. Because as ever, this isn't about the business you're in any more - it's about HOW you do that business. That is where the cookies crumble and the losers get to sweep up the mess.

    Now this hasn't gotten you any taglines yet, has it? Okay, so they're not going to be very good yet - partly because I didn't get what I consider good answers. Never mind that right now, it does mean that they might not be as good as they could be. That means customer directed.

    Remember who's buying, okay? This isn't about who's best or who's biggest or cheapest: think of your customer's needs and a lot of that vanishes. (see below).

    Canada Extra - Keeping you in touch with your deliveries
    Canada In Touch - You know when your deliveries will come
    Transport Extra - Canada's conveyor belt.
    You won't see it coming but you'll know.
    Conveyor Belt* - And we're just as good.

    Okay: that'll do for a start. Which ones do you like, not like - and do you have any suggestions that might improve them or bring a little extra dimension into the taglines?

    *A friend of mine runs Cosco Europe and I keep teasing him that his ships are just floating conveyor belts!

    Now as a complete aside to all this is an issue you should consider very, very carefully. Because this is where the magical profits lie: it's called the up-sell. What can you offer that others don't (or can't) that meets a need BEYOND the ordinary? My point is that it costs you no more in terms of fuel or human energy, it takes more imagination and insight - and you can charge (say) 20-50% more for this service. In other words, add brains and you get way bigger profits.
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    Thanks for your response.
    As I said my market is whole North Amercia not just canada and I would prefer not have Canada in the name as it just limits me just to canada. I would be selling my services to USA as well.
    Out of 4 choices I like
    -Transport Extra but I would not like to have word transport in the front. There is too many companies that stats with Transport, Trans. I want people to remember our name. Tagline on this one is very good.
    -Conveyor Belt- I would like something like this but this one doesn't seem to fit our business.

    Few Names on my mind was
    Freight Master
    Freight Center
    Freight Hub
    Freight Point
    but I'm rethinking because of the same reason I gave for Transport Extra...

    And I appreciate your suggestion about up-selling. You are right that is where we can beat the competition.

  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    I won't be posting anything tonight as it's late and I'm fit for bed (it's past ten this side of the Atlantic!)

    I am very glad that you can realize your own strengths - it is an enormous advantage in a competitive business.

    As to names - I think you could see I was working on what I could see, and towards something that hadn't quite come into focus!

    Now - and this is important - WHY do you not think that conveyor-belt doesn't fit your business? You advertise as running from A to B which means conveyor belt. Inform me, please! I mean you wouldn't call yourselves "zig zag" or "all around the houses" ;-)

    Point to point - brought to you with love and care

    no, sorry my mind has gone soggy.

    As to the upsell, it might only be 5% of your business - it could be 15% of your profits. What's more they're profits you can rely on because you are dealing with your best customers - the ones who return time and time again. It's a trick that many businesses miss out on.

    See ya 2morra!
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    Since you desire to stay away from all the common industry names using the words, "transport" or "freight" and the like, maybe a name such as ..

    Continental Conveyor Company (3C logo?)

    [convey - to carry, bring, or take from one place to another; transport]

    Since you began this post using the word "logistics" to define your business, maybe a tagline such as ..

    Delivery Satisfaction Through Better Logistics
    Superior Logistics - Satisfying Delivery Results
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    @ Steve Byrne Thank you for your response but Continental Conveyor Company looks like conveyor belt making company.

    @ Moriarty
    Point to Point seems good! P2P Logistics or Point to Point Logistics...
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    If you're Canadian-based, then consider "From Canada To Everywhere Logistics" (or USA Logistics, or even "From Canada Logistics").

    (Aside: P2PLogistics/Point-to-Point Logistics is a company based in Poland:
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    @ Jay Hamilton-Roth
    Thank you for your response!
    I'm looking for something short.. From Canada To Everywhere Logistics is little long..

    Thank you
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    I'm going to play along the lines you took with "Freight"

    Freight pointer
    Pointing Freight (hmmm)

    I'm thinking results here - that is to say, the Freight's there on your doorstep as you need it.

    Freight Arrow ( and .biz are available. I happen to like the .biz extension as it's a little more up to date ;-)

    Cargo Point** (rather "static" but does have a focus!)
    Cargo Pointer* ... is a little more dynamic.
    Cargo Shifter* - now we're getting somewhere as it emphasizes the massiveness of your task !!

    Cargo Lugger ( a bit coarse? we're talking logistics that have been as carefully choreographed as a ballet).

    Cargo Ballet (perhaps a little foo-fooey??)

    Anyway, what do you think of these? Mix, match, add or take-away. Let's hear it.

    * the name is available as a .com or .biz extension - without space
    ** .biz only
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    After some deep thought I've started to like Conveyor Belt. I think it is very catchy, but I don't want to confuse people that we are a conveyor belt manufacturer. Can we think of something around Sa,e concept.?

    I also like Cargo Point, but as you said it is bit static. If .com extension was available I Would take it in a sec. I personally don't like .biz as it is not a strong extension and people often ignore it. I may be wrong though.

    Cargo shifter is little negative as these terms are often used when freight is shifted inside the truck and pallets are all over the floor.
    Freightarrow is good too...'' Pointing your freight in right direction"

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    Looking for something short ... how about fr8 ... is available.

    Also, north america is a continent. So maybe
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    Steve that's good one... but how would I make a brand out of this name...?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    As to "shifter" it was just me thinking of the outside ;-) That's why I run these things past you first!

    Conveyor Belt does do it for me too ;-)

    现在。biz扩展——忘记所有人else thinks: what is the impression of your customers to this? If you've any sense you won't worry about what the search engines think regarding these things as you ought to be buying your advertising anyway - and .biz isn't penalized there (and extensions are less important now anyway. In fact when I was advertising using SEO in the states I ranked #4 against the biggest in the field - with a .nl extension! I beat hundreds just by having good copy).

    Back to conveyor belts - for one thing it'll be on the side of a lorry. There will be some way to paint the lorry so that the meaning is obvious - like the wheels form part of the graphic of a conveyor belt with wooden crates on it ;-) Or that there is some graphic where the lorry is a sort-of conveyor belt.

    As mentioned before, my thoughts were running not to the movement of the freight. The customer's perceptions and needs are that it ARRIVES on their doorstep. Conveyor belt heads this way. I'm thinking along the lines of Cargo Postman (ie cargo that arrives like letters do)

    Your thoughts?
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    Maybe I'm missing something. 'Conveyor" is a synonym for "transporter", why do you need the word "belt"? How about CargoConveyor?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    I don't think Steve's missing anything. It only happened because I called my friend's ships conveyor belts (which he didn't like ;-)

    fr8 sounds good too. As to branding it - just tell your marketing guys to get their work shoes on and do something for a change instead of sitting behind a desk all day.
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    This has been a really good discussion!
    @ Steve is not available :-)
    @ Moriarty
    As far as .biz extensions go I'm not thinking from SEO prospective. In our world people are often confused with extensions. We have Trucking company and I use .ca extension and people still sends emails to .com extension of that domain which I don't own. :-(

    Conveyor seems a good choice.. Conveyor Logistics
    So far I have shortlisted
    Conveyor Logistics
    Fr8 Logistics [but .com is not available :-( ]
    Point to Point (problem is P2plogistics or not available)
    Cargo Hub [Little bit geeky but sounds cool)

    What do you guys think?
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    re ... "After some deep thought I've started to like Conveyor Belt. I think it is very catchy, but I don't want to confuse people that we are a conveyor belt manufacturer. Can we think of something around Sa,e concept.?"

    What does "Sa,e concept" mean?

    If you were to use "Cargo Conveyor Logistics", who would think you were a logistics company for conveyor belts? Still, I understand you concerns. But if you want to stir clear of common industry names, you will have to take some risk. You could be the first to use a new term, and others will likely follow, this is a good thing. And with good seo/links/social media execution, people will still find you using the traditional keywords.

    [aside: I understood what you were saying Moritary :)]

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    my bad, must have spelled wrong. is available.
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    @ Steve Byrne
    Sorry that was spelling mistake. I meant to say "Same Concept"
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member seems like the best choice to me. Obviously you plan to get some customer feedback on your short list. Good luck.
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    Could you please help me with Suitbale Tagline to match "Conveyor Logistics "
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    Could you please help me with SUITABLE Tagline to match with "Conveyor Logstics"
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    A few thoughts before I dive in with taglines.

    1) fr8-logistics is available in all extensions
    2) grab the .ca, .biz and any other extension you think of and ask your web designers to sort out a 301 redirect for them all to your chosen site
    3) do much the same with your email addresses.

    This should avoid some serious customer frustration.

    ConveyorLogistics - Delivered where and when you need it.
    Delivered to your doorstep. Guaranteed.
    Delivered at your convenience
    Complex logistics sorted.
    Takes your cargoes where you want.

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Since "Conveyor Logistics" employs less common terminology, perhaps it's best to use more traditional industry wording for the tagline. Such as ..

    Reliable Freight Transportation, Competitively Priced
    On Time Freight Delivery, Every Time
    Better Technology, Better Freight Delivery Satisfaction
    满足货运熟食店very - Superior Technology

    Needs some more wordsmithing, but you get the idea.
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    I talked to couple of people and they say Coneyor is too hi fi..
    Steve and Moriaty do you have any other thoughts
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    It appears you could use some professional guidance beyond this forum's typical Q&A solutions. Please click on my name to see an email address if you would like to further discuss.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Steve's right.
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    I guess you guys have given up on me.. Anyway thank you for your time. It was good discussion and I got a good start.
    Thank you once again.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    To be honest with you, I was feeling as if we were going around in circles. Mind you, with a logistics company I suppose I should have expected that - it's what your lorries do after all ;-)

    If you do want to continue the conversation here, online there's no problem whatsoever. I found the conversation interesting and enlightening - which is why I'm here. When the author gets stuck in in the way you have is when this place livens up.

    When the author runs home crying for moderator is when I shake my head and wonder.

    Anyway, maybe Steve needs the work ;-)
  • Posted bySeopackson Author
    @ Moriarty
    I have gone with Conveyor Freight. I hope that was right choice. Picking and a good name is always a tough but with you guys help I it was little easy. I don't think there is any thing called perfect name.
    Conveyor was available and I got it reserved for now. I'm little stuck with the domain name. I wish or ca was available but they are not. So I guess my only choice would be . I'm not a big fan of long domains but I guess this one is not that bad.
    @Steve and Moriarty could you please help me with suitable tagline ?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    I'll deal with the tagline issue later. I have to maul you for that - sorry, that should read "we need to talk over a coffee".

    NAMES. is fine. Use it on all your letterheads and the rest. Most links online are now clickable and so the length isn't that important. However - looking into the things you've said, such a name isn't going to work very well on the side of your lorries. You can't click a lorry, can you?

    Okay, so in 2015 you'll be able to, you can't right now. Which means we need something else for the side of your trucks. Namely (cue fanfare) the QR code. You can try see what they look like. They need to be simple (ten characters max) so that a blurry photograph on a phone's camera is still legible. The German railways haven't learned this yet and have codes that are frankly terrible. I digress.

    一边的卡车需要缩短URL - is available (so grab it quick!). This is relatively easy to remember if seen on the back or side of a vehicle (alongside or in place of your formal site). More important is that the QR code is very simple. Someone in a car can click a piccie and not worry too much if it's not a good shot. Their excuse was that they were driving ;-)

    You could have cfr8 as your mobile website and conveyorfreight as your main website, linking the two in form and function.

    Any good?

    It's coffee time so I'll be back later for the tagline. From what I remember we still have some answers outstanding. Ahem! These are required, you are in a tough business and it's not one where you can run to mummy crying because some nasty big girl pulled your pigtails.

    Either your tagline works well - or it's a waste of valuable advertising space. That is to say, the side of your trucks.

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