
Topic: Branding

Branding Dental Industry Company With Beach Theme

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We want to start branding our company (dental industry) and tying in the 4 companies under it. Right now the current thought is a beach image/theme. The notion of low stress and simple is what we want to provide. And this image would leak into to 4 companies (maybe common banner messages on each of the websites). First project would be a trade show booth (10 x 10) (island, beach, hammock,.......) with the logos of the 4 companies and probably just one tag line that goes with the theme.
这个想法也许是一个休班的牙医,也许是这样me item close by to show he or she is a dentist (not locked into this idea), in a beach hammock without a care in the world because our company has taking all the stress away from their office. Any ideas of how to incorporate this on a banner or trade show booth? Also looking for an awesome tag line
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    What specifically will you do for the dentist? Where are they located? Why would they hire your services to help them promote themselves locally? Showing a "care-free" image may be on-target, or not (they may be more interested in constant streams of patients, lower insurance problems, better niche, etc.) - but you need to talk to those that are likely to be interested in hiring you to make sure what you're thinking of selling them they are in fact wanting to buy.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Now the easiest way to group a series of companies is to look at your clients and their needs. What do they share in common that make it a sensible choice.

    Nice as they may be as humans, I still avoid dentists even in the local restaurants. Just being casual to me doesn't help me when they've got automatic weaponry in their hands. Drills, and nasty things like that. How can you bridge this to people like me whose howls can be heard three time zones away?

    My other thought is do people know what off-duty dentists look like?

    In the meantime - how about "4D"
    "Four dimensional dental services" ?
  • Posted on Author
    The services we offer are essentially to improve dental office efficiencies while saving costs. We offer electronic claims software (we submit the claims electronically to insurance companies), patient statement billing service (we print and mail the statements for them), offsite backup, credit card services, etc. Our customers are only dentists and our customers are located nationwide. We want to portray that the solutions we provide for them allow them to rest easy knowing we are taking care of them.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    "Pain-Free Dental Office Support"
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    I think a vignette featuring a dentist in a hammock or beach chair facing a tropical beach mural would convey the idea of relaxing (see the Corona beer TV commercials). And the graphics of this treatment could be extended to print and web content. But then what?

    You really need research, a written marketing strategy and a written creative brief before you implement anything, especially creating a new tagline.

    Corona Ad:
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    I'm not so sure you need a beach theme. It has the potential to misdirect attention with borrowed interest. What's wrong with a straightforward positioning headline that spells out the benefit? Cutesy is not a good substitute for substance.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    I agree wholeheartedly with Michael (mgoodman).
  • Posted on Author
    I have my concerns about this theme as well. Any suggestions for a straightforward positioning headline?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Good morning, Adahl,

    I thought you were offering a dental service to patients - my mistake. Sorry.

    Is the financial/administrative side all you do? You said there were four companies, how are they different? (I need to find a commonality).

    I'm presuming that the branding was chosen by the management ... ?

    So essentially you are a fuss-free interface between the dentist's practice and the wall of bureaucracy that's the insurance and financial industries.

    My immediate thoughts were of rock climbing dentists, tsunamis and dentists in life-rafts looking very alone, when faced with the colossal and unhelpful administrations of these corporations.

    Does this get us a step forward? Do you (or they) like the idea better? Does it give you any brighter ideas that you like more - after all, if you can come up with a better one I've done my job by helping you.
  • Posted on Author
    Yes, Moriarty, the branding theme was chosen by management. I am hoping I can offer them what they want but with an additional idea to consider. Thank you everyone.

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