
Topic: Website Critique

Looking To Increase Appt Made

Posted byc_gabriel99on 250 Points
We have recently changed our website:

Our target demographic is working mothers ages 30-55 that have problems with bladder control (obviously not an easy topic to bring up). Our goal is for patients within 25 miles to decide to make an appointment.

Any critiques welcome.
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  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Overall, it's a cool site that speaks to its readers. You do need to tidy up the how you do things and be clear about your methods so there's no doubts.

    To be honest with you, each of the elements of your slide show should be a page in itself - that is to say, targeted to that segment of your audience. That way you'll come higher in the rankings for search terms that match that side of the issue (if it's SEO you're interested in that is).

    Point two is that I was reading through the first of the slide shows when it (i) a popup pushed its way across the text and (ii) it promptly disappeared. Thankfully there weren't many before it came around again.

    The texts you've used do speak to the visitor - now I'm no expert on bladders (apart from the obvious skills as an expert nappy changer - in the wings right now waiting for my brats to get themselves hitched). Are these three issues ones that are entered into the search box?

    You have a favicon the like of which is indecipherable. It looks like hand?

    There's not much about HOW you go about helping people, and that needs to be made evident on each slide. The "about" in the footer should be used more effectively - that is to say add a sentence about your holistic approach (and detail the facts) on your slides.

    That'll do for now!
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    It doesn't appear that you have any website analytics currently installed on your website. Before you change anything, you need to understand your "baseline" - how many people are visiting your site, etc. ( one such (free) service).

    Do the people shown on the site reflect your average client?

    None of your images have alt-tags, which means that they're "invisible" to search engines - a missed SEO opportunity.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    So how will your target audience find your site?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Your link: to an error page.Not good since it claims 99@ of your patients recommend you. In terms of reach, TARGETED direct mail and targeted PPC may help you. Likewise, connecting with PCPs and specialists in your area.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
  • Posted byc_gabriel99on Author
    1.我们所做的甲型肝炎e google analytics and Google webmaster. Not sure why some of the analyzers not identifying it.
    2. The pictures reflect the age we are targeting online, not the age of our actual clients. Our clients are 60% Medicare (65 and over) and 40% private(<65 with the youngest being 19). We know that 30% of mothers have incontinence and they tend to just accept it as a part of life until it becomes so severe that surgery is indicated).
    3. At the moment we have created the 3 diff sliders so we can do some A/B testing to see which works the best, but left it up now to see if any critiques deemed them unsuitable.

    Thanks for the responses.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    So how do people find your site? What do they see or hear that lets them know you exist? What benefit do you promise them to get them to click or type your URL into their browser? What promise does the website fulfill?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    This sentence in the About Us paragraph doesn't make sense. Words or phrases missing? Extra word inserted?

    "... You are not trying to just treat your bladder condition, but trying to you [sic] regain your life and freedom. Visit us to see how we can help you regain your control!"
  • Posted byc_gabriel99on Author
    I've been tryig to work on organic SEO but it looks like I'll have tovr to PPC. The problem I have is a lot of traffic comes from the world and not local.

    I have taken the comments to heart and will try to improve the experience and clarify the why and how.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    With PPC you can just advertise locally.

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