
Topic: Taglines/Names

How To Decide It's Time For A New Corporate Logo??

Posted bylarry.sebbenson 25 Points
投资公司存在for 65 years. How do you know when the time is right to update/create a new logo and identity? We are fairly aggressive in our advertising and marketing in our area so the current logo is fairly recognizable.
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  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    What comments have you got from those you've advertised to? After all, they're the ones who'll notice (or complain!).

    given that you know their demographic (you're advertising to them, right?) you can use that data to set up a virtual marketing campaign [TM] online to test the effects of any changes you propose. That way you can gauge the effect in a couple of hours (or days - the size of audience depends) - and have secure and meaningful data from the people who count. The people who are buying.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Larry I would say that 65 years of brand equity is a lot to risk just for the sake of having a new logo. There’s nothing wrong with refreshing your logo, maybe making it look a little more modern but I would give at lot consideration before you decide to completely change your logo and identity. If you feel that your logo and your companies identity is very recognizable in your area of expertise and is still relevant with the clientele you pursue why are you looking to make a change?
  • Posted bylarry.sebbenson Author
    Thanks! I DO still like our is the logo type that has challenges. Old, fine, font which get slost when reduced in sponsorship ads, of my fixes may be just to keep the logo and update our type font
  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    Images are poorly used on the display network - it'd work a treat for testing your ideas.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    There's nothing wrong with your logo. Leave it as it is.

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