
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Catchy Name For My Online Store

Posted bymariesuarez12on 250 Points
Hi! I need a catchy name for my online store. I'm gonna be selling gift items. perhaps some bags and clothes too. I want my kids names on it too, if possible (Joshie and Jedd). I thought of combining their names but I'm really having a hard time. There are so many online store around the world but i want something simple but catchy name. Please help me, this is my first time to have my own business.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    If you want your business to be successful, there are a lot of things that need to come before a catchy name. Start with a business plan and a marketing plan. When you do get to the name, "catchy" is a poor way to go. Better to let people know what you do and what benefit they can expect if they do business with you.

    As for incorporating your kids' names, skip that too. Your customers don't care what your kids' names are (or even whether you have kids). They care about what benefit they should expect if they deal with you.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    What kind of "gift times" do you plan on selling and who is your ideal buyer?

  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Accepted
    Unless you're going to spend a lot of money building a brand, online there's often an advantage to have a domain name that includes the main keyword that you would expect someone to use to search for you.

    So for instance, you could have if gifts are what you are selling. But might you might want to check if 'gift' will make a good keyword because it might just be too broad and competition for places too high on that keyword and actually something more specific will be better.

    So at this stage if you can provide more detail about what you want to sell and what you expect customers to be looking for to find you, the more help we can give.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Pick a name that gives a clue to what you offer - since that'll be big bonus for search engine traffic. Including your kids names is unlikely to matter to anyone except your family. If you only offer handmade products, consider putting handmade in the name (or tagline). But if you're selling products that others can find elsewhere more easily, then you'll need a "hook" to convince people that your store is worth (re)visiting.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Taking this from the other angle - what are people wanting when they're buying online. It's convenience, choice or in some cases, sheer speed. Most online shops are there to sell, few are there for their buyers. Thinking this way will make any planning much, much easier. Plus it makes choosing a name a lot easier too!

    A few ideas -

    OshEdd whilst it means little, it's at least recognizably their names ... and you can add whatever makes your shop special to your prospective buyers. It'll also make it a lot easier to get a domain name with the ideas below ...

    Two Young Men
    J Squared

  • Posted bymariesuarez12on Author
    Hi! Thank you for all of your responses, I see that i am lacking some of details regarding my online shop. so hope this will help. I have planned a more specific products that i wanted to sell. I will go selling beaded accessories that are made by me. its more on earrings, bracelets. and some of necklaces and rings. Hope this additional details would help to come up with a unique name for my online business thank you so much for your help.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    Thankyou for responding. The important element here is that you make these things. More important still is that this makes them unique in some aspect - and referring to this will mean that the person who wants this will find you. Do you follow me?

    It's like my own business - starting for myself with nothing, I've literally formed my own market niche. Most of it was there already, they just didn't know I existed, that's all. They have specific needs for the things I can supply them, and as a result I charge sensible sums for doing it.

    So before I give you any more names I'd really appreciate your telling us how your friends describe the stuff you make. Is there anything they say that's sort-of the same? Words they all seem to use? Because this will hint at the style of your product, and knowing its style means you'll be able to find people who like that style. It both sets you apart and attracts high-paying customers.

    Over to you!
  • Posted bymariesuarez12on Author
    Hi Moriarty, thank you for giving some cues in forming a business.And for your question, well the thhing is I really haven't showed them my crafts. but in regarding of me making plans on selling homemade accessories, they told me that of course, "good luck", "go! show your artistic side", "you have the skill and talent"... I have made some creative works like for giving gifts to my family and friends, well i can say that they like it so much. But as for fashionable accessories, still haven't.

    To add up for my details. maybe my interest or likes will help you guys in making me a good name for my bags and accessories shop. I pretty much like getting ideas from photographs, anime/cartoon characters for my masterpiece. This is where I get my idea on making accessories based on photos. I want something fun yet elegant name for a business.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    嗨了。我喜欢人们这样说"well i can say that they like it so much" - at least you got a reaction! Believe me, there'll be someone who likes the idea.

    Your job is to find 'em!

    Now you need to be more graphic about your photo-to-jewellery biz. Because that's a really great idea! not just the words, because they're too easy to mis-interpret. But showing a photo (perhaps something you've taken yourself so there's no copyright infringements) and the jewellery that it inspired - that should be fantastic.

    As an indication for the Google search >jewelry "inspired by photography"< there are 136,000 search results and for >"jewelry inspired by photography"< there are ... FIVE.

    Two problems - does anybody want it (yes they do, but you've gotta find 'em) - and do they want your style (ditto).

    You are creative, so get creative with your marketing too. You'll have to box clever, but if you're anything close to a silversmith, you'll have a few bags of that put aside somewhere.

    Okay - so let's have a look at some names. Perhaps Saul can dive in too?

    The photo Jeweller

    Photo to jewelry [choose your spelling! I can do this in Dutch too if you want ... ]

    Bags of Jewels

    Bagging Jewellery

    Jewelery Bag

    - - I'm sorry the inspiration for photos isn't coming.

    I'll try another direction ...

    Imagine This Jewellery

    Picture this! jewelry inspired by your very own photos!

    Inspire me! Jewelry made to your own pictures

    - there, that'll do for now. Let me know what you think; you may not like any of them. Well, tell me which you like least then! At least it'll give us an idea.

    Good luck, you've got a business !!! Let us know when your website's up, you may be in for some trade!

    BTW did you know that Brooklyn was originally called "Breukelen"?? It's a tiny little town on the way to Amsterdam, and it's divine.
  • Posted bymariesuarez12on Author
    hey. thank you for those wonderful names. to be more specific:

    我将使用珠子在文胸celets, earrings and others.
    -bags are not handmades.

    Also, I am thinking of a name that are combined by two words, a fun, catchy online name stores that sells accesories and bags. Accesories where not all be hand-made but i'll also reselling stuffs (buying finished products) too.
  • Posted bymariesuarez12on Author

    oh i forgot to put the name that i like. I think "Photo to Jewelry" is great! But I think something is missing with that. I also love to see names that are not specifically broadcasting what my products are. Like some adjectives+nouns. A fun but elegant name will be also nice.
  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Accepted
    JJax Accessories






    Juicier / Jucies / Jucees


    SparkleFashion / Sparkz

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