
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Name For Employee Engagement Survey

Posted byjanice.bakeron 125 Points
Need ideas for a catchy name for a 2014 employee engagement survey. Possibly something that would incorporate an ampersand, i.e. SURVEY NAME@Company Name.

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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Ampersand = &

    Why does a survey need a name? And why "catchy?" Who is the target audience, and what is the name supposed to do/communicate to that audience? What do you know about the target audience? What's in it for them to do whatever you want them to do?
  • Posted byjanice.bakeron Author
    This is an international company-wide employee engagement survey being planned for 2014. The goal of a "catchy name" is to brand the survey so everyone easily recognizes the survey effort, capture employee attention and encourage participation. There is no defined reward for participating in the survey other than the opportunity to provide feedback on what is working and what needs to change. I incorrectly referred to "ampersand" so please disregard.
  • Posted on Member
    For employee engagement, you could use the concept of ATOMS. Atoms combine together to create substances and the more stronger the affinity between the atoms, the better the substance.

    The same concept can be used for empolyee engagement where your employees act as atoms and the more friendly and supportive and even collaborative they are, the more success will it result for the company thereby enhancing the bottomline.
  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Accepted





  • Posted byMoriartyon Member
    ideas@Company Name

    fresh.ideas@Company Name

    bright.ideas@Company Name

    2014@Company Name

    change4thebetter@Company Name

    make-a-difference@Company Name [not an official email address though - this is what you're looking for? Just use dots for dashes]

    secure.our.future@Company Name [also implies that you're helping to secure your own job!!]

    or just - "hello@Company Name"


    - after all, if you're really listening ... and not just collating their ideas and filing them appropriately so that the directorate know it's all been handled properly ;-)
  • Posted byjanice.bakeron Author
    These are great ideas. I'll keep it open until the end of the day in case there are any more suggestions and then make the decision. Thank you!
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Relevantly aligned, congruently positioned names help condition people's thinking but the myth that "catchy" names brand anything is one that needs to go away.

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