
Topic: Student Questions

Competition By Dolce & Gabbana

Posted bysilvgard96on 125 Points
How the company competes, in what periods of its activity, focusing on the most recent one (Competition by exceeding customer expectations, Competing with speed, Competing by restructuring and empowerment).
What are the promotion efforts done so far, analyze them
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    What kind of analysis have you already done? To exceed customer expectations it's necessary to know what those expectations are. What is being restructured and empowered, and against what kind of scale? What steps have you taken to list any of these things?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    This sounds like a homework assignment. We don't do homework here. If you have some ideas of your own and would like us to react to them, that's fine. But I suspect your professor will want YOUR thinking, not OURS.
  • Posted bysilvgard96on Author
    是的,你是对的。然后我问我的问题another way. I would like to know what Dolce & Gabbana did to over-compete its con-currents. I think there should be some facts, not my opinion, right? Please help me to find the sources or give me a hint how to find the question of my answer.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    You could start by going to their website and comparing D&G's positioning to those of key competitors. Or going to a few retail stores and see what salespeople say about D&G and about competitors.
  • Posted bysilvgard96on Author
    I searched a lot in the internet, but in vain. That's why I decided to ask help from you. What can you say about promotion efforts done by Dolce & Gabbana. I really need the information. Please say anything concerning to the topic which can be useful.
  • Posted bysilvgard96on Author
    Besides, there is no Dolce & Gabbana store in my country, that's why I can't ask them for help.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    For the search term "dolce and gabbana competitive advantage" there are 8.6 million results on Google.

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