
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name For Butter And Margarine.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello there naming Experts! :)

I am having a new butter, spread and margarine business. Would you please help me with brand name and tagline for it! We want very catchy and easy to remember name which is shorter as possible.

I thank you in advance and look forward to get your reply soon.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Who specifically is your target audience? Where are they located? What makes your product unusual/different/better?
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted

    I can't believe it's not margarine!

    Dairy's Best


    Good 'n' Yellow

    Golden Sunrises

    Golden Dairy

  • Posted on Author
    我们的主要目标受众将w人造黄油omen who enjoy baking and cooking delicious foods.
    But for the butter (spread) target audi are people from 7 to 70.

    But I really need your advice in naming this 2 products. Do you think we should brand them with same name or you think they should be different? I don't actually mind both.

    Our product will be better in quality comparing to our nowaday market, also we will do our best to make our label design dissimilar and catchy to an eye.
  • Posted byMoriartyon Accepted
    When anyone asks me questions like this, I really have only one answer - put it to the test! That is to say, a small display network campaign aimed at your target audience.

    My campaign in Australia had four images - one of which I liked. When it was put to the test, it came second and the one I liked least came top by a considerable margin.

    What are your thoughts on this - after all, they might like to have similarly branded products in their fridge for different purposes ... or they might not. When push comes to shove, they're buying (or at least showing interest by clicking) - and your profits depend on them. What's more, in a commodity biz like yours, meeting their needs will put you in the forefront for the most profitable sector of the market.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Few 7 year olds are going to care, let alone buy either margarine or butter. Naming each product with the same name will cause confusion: confused shoppers choose alternative brands. Names don't need to be catchy, they need to be relevant to the buyer. As to what you mind in terms of names, sadly, that's not the point: you're not your ideal buyer. Names with the words, nature, natural, and health may work for you. The only way to know is to test.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you very much for your advice and suggested names Moriarty! I appreciate that!
    Hope to receive some more names together with the taglines. Cheers!
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Your target audience is too broad. You need to be more realistic. You have included about 5 billion people in your definition. You won't be able to reach them all, and you will go broke trying.
  • Posted on Author
    Gary Bloomer, I do agree with you, of course it's good if u brand them differently.

    But reason I was thinking to use 1 brand for both was to save round sum on adds, commercials and so.
    As we are only starting, our budget for outdoor and tv adds is not enough for 2 products same time.
    And if we come to confusion, we will of course write clearly wether its butter or margarine under the brand name, so customers won't confuse.

    In my thoughts, another advantage of using 1 brand for both: once one buys any of the product and likes it, he or she will want to try another product of this brand and even may suggest to others.
    Well, this is only what I think. I am not pro, so, who knows :)
  • Posted on Author
    Will you guys suggest me some more names please??
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Wake Up (To Butter/Margarine)
    Buttery Fresh
  • Posted bywoodspunkon Accepted
    Yellow Cow / Golden Cow / Creamy Cow / Yellows Best / Yellow Spunk / Yellow & Creamy / I've Lost It
  • Posted on Author
    Mmm, thank you guys!!! I really like some of them :)
    But, I was asking for shorter brand name as possible, maybe 1word name, like: lurpak, president, kerrygold, anchor, stork, mil, flora, imperial, labneh, etc.
  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Member
    Butter and magarine are quite different from the view of the consumer. Butter is pure, natural, luxurious, delicious or a treat. Magarine is more functional, cheaper or healthy. I'm not sure if mixing them up under one brand name will help.




    Aurelia Butter


    Sultan/Soltan Spreads
    Champion Spreads
    King Spreads
    Aspire Spreads
  • Posted on Author
    Dear all!
    Thank you very much for your participation and ideas you gave me. Cheers! ;)

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