
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name For Mom-made/mom-owned Cleaning Business

Posted byjodidziedzic5638on 125 Points
I need a name for a mom-made/owned cleaning business geared for other moms and busy families! My business will be a little unique since I will offer organizing, as well as furniture facelifts, livable home staging (as opposed to staging to sell) and painting (faux finishes, etc). I plan to use homemade, time-tested products and essential oils and focus on cleaning in "zones" to clean more efficiently. I like White Glove Cleaning, but one already exists online and near me, as does Welcome Home Cleaning. My mom used to tell me to "clean like the queen's coming" but I don't know how to use this in my tagline/name. A friend of mine suggested Phenomemom which sounds great albeit hard to say. My husband calls me the hundred dollar diva because I have refurbished old craigslist dressers for $100...don't know how it would work with the cleaning aspect though. I just spent 6 days cleaning a rental for a friend of mine and re-painting cabinets...I love this work! Any ideas? I live in Chico, CA and I need help! Thanks!
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Professional organizers do not clean: they organize. Similarly, the staging aspect you're talking about is considered re-decorating. I think you need to focus on one service. At the moment you're trying to do too much; one tag line won't cover it all. Which service is the biggest revenue generator?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Also - if you use a "cleaning" name, it'll confuse your desire to be an organizer/stager.
  • Posted byjodidziedzic5638on Author
    To throw another wrench in the mix, my nephew is a chef and has been working as a personal chef for friends of his who are health nuts...he only cooks healthy meals for them in their kitchen and so when they come home they have healthy meals prepped and ready in their fridge/freezer...we are talking about a "healthy home" business where folks would come home to a clean and organized home (my part) with fresh healthy meals waiting for them (his part). Would a type of business like this work and what would we name it?? Thanks for your previous advice! He has some doctor clients that work 15+ hours a day and then work out and go through the drive through for dinner...cancelling out their exercise. They hire housekeepers to clean because they don't have time and just want it all done when they get home. Would this business model work? Thanks!!
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted

    Do one thing really well, and promote the one unique benefit your customers can expect.

    Nobody wants a brain surgeon who is also a forklift truck driver and a professional basketball player.

    And leave your nephew out of this.
  • Posted by$teveon Accepted
    在谈论另一个扳手e mix - I am now totally confused. And you have added so many services in that I don't even think there is a target market for that business model.

    There is nothing wrong with upselling and cross selling however, as has been suggested, you really need to focus on one area. I have a cleaning client that now has over 60 cleaners and they also offer a number of extra services however the core business is cleaning and prospects wouldn't even know they had other services. They sell the cleaning first, establish themselves as efficient and reliable (and after about 3-6 months) then they cross sell.

    So maybe these would work:
    - Queens Visit Cleaning
    - Mums for Mums Cleaning

    Nevertheless, I don't think organising is too much of a stretch to include in the name of the business:
    - The organised cleaner

    If you insist on offering a range of services, you could try:
    - 2nd Mum Home Services
    - Need Another Mum?

    Hope this helps


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