
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Organic Beauty Products Company

Posted byioana_mutzuon 25 Points
Hi all,

I'm importing organic beauty products from South Asia (mostly India) such as coconut oil, rose water, black soap, turmeric face mask, etc. I need a name for my business that would relate to the idea of beauty, having a young skin, cherishing organic products, but also with the origin of the products and their origins and history.

We've had until now the following ideas: Ms. Feelgood, In. (as in abbrev from India).

would appreciate any ideas and feedback.

thanks a million,
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Do you know for certain you have a market for these products? Where will you be selling them? Where are your buyers?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Why not name your business after a goddess such as: Lakshmi, Parvati, Sarasvati, or Uma?
  • Posted bymalkosbmon Accepted
    What about :

    Nice'In (Nice India)

    Clear In (Clear and India)

    TejBio or BioTej (Tej for Tej Mahal India and Bio)

    White Mahal (White for pure and Mahal for Tej Mahal India)

  • Posted byioana_mutzuon Author
    Thanks a lot for the great ideas! I thought about goddesses, but the names are not easy to pronunce.Uma is good though.

    @Gary Bloomer,

    yes, I know there is a market, I've done the study already. I know my competitors, their sales, and I know there is an untapped market when bringing products from India, a country very fascinating for Eastern Europe.
  • Posted bydawn.ferfoliaon Accepted
    What is the Indian word for organic? You may want to incorporate that into the name. OR the Indian word for youth or beauty. As long as the word you choose isn't too hard to read/pronounce it could be a nice, different type of name. Something the competition couldn't have used. Also, lends itself to a nice tagline - _______, Indian for beauty/organic/youth.

    You've probably already thought about this, but in addition to the name, your packaging will be very important. Part of me wants to advise you to keep it very clean, and white, but the other part of me thinks that you should play off of the Indian origin and use rich, bold colors - a la sari fabric. The boldness might really help your product pop at the shelf.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Where in Eastern Europe?
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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