
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Shop Called Squirrel

Posted bykaterinoon 25 Points
We are needing a tagline for a new shop called squirrel. It will stock quality homewares, Childrens gifts, creative crafts, gardening gifts - a bit quirky and out of the usual.
The packaging and branding is hand drawn graphic with buried nuts etc
Thinking about Á store of buried treasure
or A store of hidden treasure...

We prefer the first, it works brilliantly with the packaging etc but will it work on social media etc??
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    The problem you'll have with your store's name and the tagline you like is that it's unclear what you're selling (Are you selling something that's been buried? What ARE you selling? From where?) Can you expand the name to be "Squirrel: A Boutique" (for example)?
  • Posted bykaterinoon Author
    I think this is part of our dilemma. It is a shop in a small town, a stand alone, so we are trying to be a bit intriquing so that people will want to come in. We have a shop here at the moment, we are moving and changing the name.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    You do not have a dilemma: you have choices. A dilemma is two or more outcomes, each of which is equally disagreeable (if you are flying from point A to point B and your plane catches fire and there are no parachutes, do you go down with the plane or do you jump? THAT's a dilemma). If you are moving and changing the name, how will any tagline anyone here comes up with help with this newer, unknown name?
  • Posted byMike Steffeson Member
    "All the Nuts are Here"
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    The reason you need a good tagline is that the name doesn't give anyone a clue why they should be interested in your shop. My first choice would be to rethink the name, and come up with a name/tagline combination that will give your primary target audience a reason to inquire further into your offering.

    If you are irrevocably married to the name, however, then your tagline MUST give folks a clue about what you offer them. Don't be too clever in playing off the irrelevant name. The goal is to attract customers, right?
  • Posted byMike Steffeson Accepted
    Squirrel IS tough to work with. Has mostly bad connotations.
  • Posted bychoughon Member
    It's the nuts!

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