
Topic: Career/Training

Everybody Is An Expert In Marketing And Sales!!??

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Dear collegues ,
I believe most of your have bumped into this problem: everybody- starting from the accountant, passing thru the secretary, the technical staff and all others , so EVERYBODY knows EVERYTHING about marketing. Gives you " valuable" advices, and does the analysis ,evaluated advertising campaigns, positionning etc.etc....

How to deal best with this issue??

Thank you ;)

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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    I used to work with a highly technical company (they hired engineers for most every position, including sales and marketing). I am not an engineer, but was able to work my in through product management and marketing management positions. What I had to build up so that my ideas would be listened to was what I once heard called "knowledge capital".

    Knowledge capital could possibly be called proven expert. It is something that you build up over time. Basically, it is something you get every time you come to someone sees you have the right answer. You get more if you and another have different answers, and in the end you are proven right. And you lose some when you have the wrong answer.

    How does this relate to your original question - until you gain a lot of knowledge capital, you will get lots of advice. But the amount that comes in will get reduced as you gain capital, and as does power to not have to really listen to what their suggestions are (though I would never totally shut them down - as marketing doesn't know everything, and good ideas can come from anywhere).
  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted
    I too have had this lots, but when you work for Directors or owners of businesses, then they do actually know a couple of things about marketing and sales, even your colleague, know what they like, and are genuinely passioniate about the business they work for and ensuring that its portrayed in the best possible light.
    我只有一种方法来处理t when I have come across it in the past and that is to agree with them, accept their suggestion, then see exactly how it fits into the marketing and marcoms strategy.

    I have been surprised how often "non marketers" actually come up with sound advice.

    Never be precious about your sales and marketing activity, anyone has got good concepts inside them.

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