
Topic: Advertising/PR

Candy Bar Name Suggestions - Part 2

Posted by Anonymous on 270 Points
I asked a question which I just closed about ideas for a candy bar and received over 30 responses. Since there were so many I've going to post another one to give everyone a shot at some points.

Based on those suggestions, here's what I have so far. Take a look at this is only a draft of what I'm going for, I think that since we are creating a candy bar, it needs a name...We'll be producing many thousands of these bars, so I really need something good here.

糖果的名字需要谈谈美联社preciation & gratitude like a "Thanks Bar". It doesn't need to have the word "bar" in it, but something along those lines. Something catchy, unique, and sharp.

You've all given me some incredible idea's thus far, I'm anxious to see what some of you can come up with, so thanks again
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Member
    Author's Proof

    Sweet Victory



    Stop Press

    On time, on budget, Sweet!

    Something to munch while you quietly contemplate another print project sucessfully completed.
  • Posted bysammykarijon Member
  • Posted byStarsDieon Member
    My suggestion would not include the word "Thank you" in there, cuz it associates (personally for me) with the numerous polyethylene or paper bags you receive in every supermarket with your purchase.

    It's a candy bar, it must obtain some alluring name, and at the same time something that would show your personal approach to every customer.

    Not sure how you like it or not, but here is what I have generated in my mind, concerning this case:

    "Your Magnitude"

    This could imply that every customer who receives this candy bar would be able to see how much you value him, that you consider him to be the client of the first magnitude.

    Good luck :)

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