
Topic: E-Marketing

How To Market: My New Site

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Can anyone help me to get into the 1st page top 5 or 10 on the search engines? I want people to be able to search for: Surfboard Racks, Surfboard Display Racks, Surf Racks, Hand Carved Racks, Etc. and my site: comes up!! What is the quickest way to get it their?? Thanks, Kathy
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted
    I am leaning towards Sanjeev Kumar Vyas last comment. Since you have competitors both in product and search phrase I suggest you set a budget and open accounts with Overture and AdWords and give it a try yourself for a while. (if this proves to be a successful tactic for increasing business, you may then decide to bring in a company that will look at the entire internet marketing strategy)

    After you start there you can begin to work on the site, always making changes to focus the message and increase the conversion rate. You will eventually need to create pages for specific phrases since you may have difficulties getting the existing site ranked very high with its current design and focus.

    Hope that helps.

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