
Topic: E-Marketing

How To Market Web Portal To Suppliers

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
how can i advertise my portal to suppliers ? the portal is a directory and generates money by suppliers paying to advertise on the site.
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted
    To get things started two ideas come to mind:
    1. Email campaign from a rented/purchased list to prime the pump. Make sure they land on a page that really sells the benefits.
    2. Purchase advertising space in trade publications that already targets your audience. Consider a sub-domain or special page so you can have them land on page that fits your audience and their needs.

    I am assuming that our portal will not become their home page so it is imperative you get them to sign up for a newsletter so that you can send out announcements to them when new relevant information becomes available.

    As this list grows, you begin a viral campaign, which would reward them for getting their friends and colleges also to come to the site.

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